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Currency converter app

Technologies used:

  • React with Typescript
  • Redux Toolkit, Redux-Saga
  • CSS modules
  • Axios
  • Vitest

Project description

This application offers you two main features:

  1. Currency Converter: Convert any amount from one currency to another.

  2. Check Rates: Get the latest exchange rates for any currency.

Any changes to the input will take effect only after a delay of 500 milliseconds, because of debounce(it helps to avoid so many calculations or requests). This means that the system won't instantly reflect your modifications; instead, it will wait for half a second before updating the results.

We use the free plan of the service to get real-time exchange rates. Some of the endpoints unavailable for the free plan.

Instructions how to run application locally:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine, open terminal and clone repo with command bellow:
git clone
  1. Open project in terminal:
cd currency-converter
  1. Set up dependencies:
npm install
  1. Get your API key for service, add .env file to the project's root folder, and add variable with yours api key to it:
  1. Current API have problems with CORS policy and needs a proxy to handle it. Please, open the cors-anywhere and click "Request temporary access to the demo server" button, it's free proxy that fixes error.
  2. Run project by command:
npm start
  1. Open application in your browser

Tests coverage report

  • Test Files 21 passed (21)
  • Tests  35 passed (35)
  • Start at 21:09:26
  • Duration 7.39s (transform 2.29s, setup 9.13s, collect 9.82s, tests 1.63s, environment 29.26s, prepare 8.17s)

% Coverage report from c8


File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Line #s
All files 99.41 87.09 91.66 99.41
src 100 100 100 100
setupTests.ts 100 100 100 100
src/app 100 100 100 100
hooks.ts 100 100 100 100
src/app/sagas 92.3 100 66.66 92.3
currency.ts 92.3 100 66.66 92.3 47-50
src/components/atoms/Container 100 100 100 100
Container.tsx 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/components/atoms/CurrencyContainer 100 100 100 100
CurrencyContainer.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/components/atoms/Loader 100 100 100 100
Loader.tsx 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/components/atoms/SwitchButton 100 60 100 100
SwitchButton.tsx 100 60 100 100 11-12
src/components/layouts/MainLayout 100 100 100 100
MainLayout.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/components/molecules/CurrencyRow 100 100 100 100
CurrencyRow.tsx 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/components/organisms/AboutContent 100 100 100 100
AboutContent.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/components/organisms/CurrencyBlock 100 100 100 100
CurrencyBlock.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/components/organisms/CurrencyTable 100 100 100 100
CurrencyTable.tsx 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/components/organisms/ExchangeResults 100 33.33 100 100
ExchangeResults.tsx 100 33.33 100 100 10-11
src/components/organisms/Navigation 100 100 100 100
Navigation.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/components/templates/Page 100 100 100 100
Page.tsx 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
src/constants 100 100 100 100
colors.ts 100 100 100 100
currency.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
paths.ts 100 100 100 100
src/features/actions-info 100 100 100 100
actions-info-selector.ts 100 100 100 100
actions-info-slice.ts 100 100 100 100
src/features/currency 100 88.88 71.42 100
currency-selectors.ts 100 85.71 100 100 27
currency-slice.ts 100 100 50 100
src/helpers 100 100 100 100
format-date.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
test-utils.tsx 100 100 100 100
src/mock-data 100 100 100 100
currency.ts 100 100 100 100
index.ts 100 100 100 100
state.ts 100 100 100 100
src/pages 100 80 100 100
About.tsx 100 100 100 100
Home.tsx 100 100 100 100
NotFound.tsx 100 100 100 100
Rates.tsx 100 62.5 100 100 49
src/types 100 100 100 100
currency.ts 100 100 100 100
------------------------------------------ --------- ---------- --------- --------- -------------------


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