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Flyway Database Installer

The Flyway Database Installer is a generic java application that will create and update databases using the supplied Flyway change log.

Running the Installer

The installer is run via command line. The migration files and dependencies of the util-flywayinstaller-cli jar are expected in the classpath.

The following arguments can be specified:

  • : Specifies the host name. e.g. localhost
  • db.port : Specifies the server port. e.g. 5432
  • db.user : Specifies the username to access the database.
  • db.secretKeys : Specifies the secret keys used to access the database, separated by commas. The first non-empty secret value found for any of these keys will be used.
  • : Specifies the name of the database to be created or updated.
  • log : Specifies the logging level of the installer. Valid options are: [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, OFF]

The command to run the jar will be in the following format, where the migration files are in db/migration:

java -cp "*:db" com.github.cafapi.util.flywayinstaller.Application [arguments]

For example:

java -cp "*:db" com.github.cafapi.util.flywayinstaller.Application localhost -db.port 5437 -db.user postgres -db.secretKeys CAF_SERVICE_DATABASE_PASSWORD test-db2 -log DEBUG