The Flyway Database Installer is a generic java application that will create and update databases using the supplied Flyway change log.
The installer is run via command line. The migration files and dependencies of the util-flywayinstaller-cli
jar are expected in the classpath.
The following arguments can be specified:
: Specifies the host name. e.g. localhostdb.port
: Specifies the server port. e.g. 5432db.user
: Specifies the username to access the database.db.secretKeys
: Specifies the secret keys used to access the database, separated by commas. The first non-empty secret value found for any of these keys will be
: Specifies the name of the database to be created or updated.log
: Specifies the logging level of the installer. Valid options are: [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, OFF]
The command to run the jar will be in the following format, where the migration files are in db/migration
java -cp "*:db" com.github.cafapi.util.flywayinstaller.Application [arguments]
For example:
java -cp "*:db" com.github.cafapi.util.flywayinstaller.Application localhost -db.port 5437 -db.user postgres -db.secretKeys CAF_SERVICE_DATABASE_PASSWORD test-db2 -log DEBUG