A mod to create armor tiers that fit with your pack/server.
"id": "0",
"textureName": "leather",
"displayName": "Leather",
"hasOverlay": true,
"helmet": {
"displayName": "Helmet",
"durability": 56,
"maxAbsorption": 500000,
"absorptionRatio": 0.04,
"recipe": {
"top": "xxx",
"middle": "x x",
"bottom": " ",
"x": "334"
id = Unique ID number for each set. Take the last one and add one.
textureName = Name of the textures used from the mod. List here
displayName = Name used for the set. Each part of the armour will have this followed by the part's name.
hasOverlay = If the texture uses a overlay on the armour. DO NOT USE IF THERE IS NO OVERLAY TEXTURE!
helmet = The part of the set you are configuring. The parts are: helmet, chest, pants, boots.
displayName = Name that shows up after the set's displayName.
durability = How much durability the part has.
maxAbsorption = Maximum amout of dmamge untill the armour dose not work. Think of it as a limiter.
absorptionRatio = Percentage of damabe absorbed per durability. Must be between 0.01-1 Each 0.04 = Half a armor inside of the game.
recipe = What it takes to craft the item in a crafting table. Think of it like the crafting grid.
"x": "334" = Material that is used in the crafting. If you want to use more than one item, copy the line and change the x to another letter then change 334 to the item ID you wish to use. If the item has metadata then it would be itemID&metadata. For example: 32&5 for item id 32 with metadata 5.