This is a collaborative project to develop a simple LOGO programming language designed to help students learn the basic concepts of programming logic. A set of commands can be entered to move a robot across the screen and create drawings. The commands are written in Spanish to make it easy to understand for Spanish-speaking students that don't know English yet.
Check it out here: LOGO
- adelante: Moves the robot forward.
- atras: Moves the robot backward.
- derecha: Rotates the robot towards the right.
- izquierda: Rotates the robot towards the left.
- limpiar: Clear the canvas screen.
- centrar: Centers the robot in the center of the screen.
- repetir: Repeats a set of commands the ammount of times specified.
- levantar_pluma: Picks the pen to begin drawing.
- bajar_pluma: Stops painting.
- color: Change the color of the pen.
adelante <number>
atras <number>
derecha <angle>
izquierda <angle>
repetir <number> [ <command> ... ]
Command: color rojo ade 200 color verde der 90 ade 200 color azul izq 90 ade 200
Command: repetir 100 [adelante 200 derecha 89]
Command: repetir 99 [color rojo ade 200 der 85604 color verde ade 240 izq 326677 color azul ade 150]
To use this Logo Language, simply open the index.html on a live-server. The Logo Language interface will appear on your screen, and you can begin entering commands to control the turtle.