VertX Game Engine v0.1
VertX Game Engine v0.1
VertX Game Engine is a C/C++ based game engine developed as part of a university course at CITM-UPC. It integrates various third-party libraries such as OpenGL, SDL 2, GLEW, GLM, Dear ImGui, Assimp, and DevIL.
Key Features:
- Controls: Detailed control mechanisms for camera movement and manipulation within the engine.
- Top Menu: Offers a range of functionalities for user interaction, including file management, object rendering, and inspector tools.
- Config Window: Allows users to modify application settings, renderer options, and hardware information display.
- Hierarchy Window: Displays the game object hierarchy, enabling object selection and inspection.
- Asset Window: Shows project assets and supports drag-and-drop functionality for easy manipulation.
- Game Objects: Provides a variety of features for rendering, object primitives, texturing, and component-based control.
- Console: Offers a console for editor updates and finding elements.
- Inspector: Allows detailed inspection of selected game objects, including their name, transform, mesh, and textures.
- Camera: Enables comprehensive control and settings for camera movement and view manipulation.
- Camera Inspector: Provides control over camera speed, mouse sensitivity, and display of cursor and camera parameters.
This project is hosted on GitHub and is licensed under the MIT License.
For more details, explore the repository and check out the functionalities and features incorporated in this release.