Please add project constraints and design principles we should follow as needed.
testing the github bot
This program is run using Vagrant with the Laravel/Homestead 5.4 Virtual Box environment. Set up instructions can be found here:
##Setting up Vagrant/Homestead with our Project
Install Virtual Box with the default settings.
Install Vagrant with the default settings.
If you're on Windows, be sure that the "vagrnat" binary is in your System's Environment Variables.
Install Git Bash if you don't have it install.
Using Git Bash, run the command
If Vagrant is properly installed, a list of possible commands should display.
Run the following command to install the laravel/homestead virtual box
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
Create the Homestead directory in your user home directory with the following commands
cd ~
git clone Homestead -
Checkout a tagged version of Homestead
cd Homestead
git checkout v4.0.5 -
Once you've finished cloning, run the following:
// Mac / Linux...
// Windows...
This should create a Homestead.yaml file in your ~/Homestead directory.
Create the folder "Code" in your user's home directory.
Inside of the Code directory, run the following command in the Git Bash window:
git clone cosc3380
You should now have the cosc3380 project source code
Once you have downloaded the necessary software, use a text editor to open up the ~/Homestead/homesetad.yaml file.
Replace the lines in the "folders:" section with the following
map: ~/Code/cosc3380
to: /home/vagrant/Code/cosc3380- This will map the ~/Code/cosc3380 in your local directory to the /home/vagrant/Code/cosc3380 in the virtual machine
Replace the lines in the "sites:" section with the following
to: /home/vagrant/Code/cosc3380/public- This will map the domain to pull the files in the /home/vagrant/Code/cosc3380 directory
Add an entry in the "databases:" section with the following
- cosc3380
Open up notepad.exe and run it as an administrator.
File > Open
- Go to "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and open the "hosts" file.
At the very bottom enter the following: ""
- This will instruct your system to direct all HTTP requests to "" to "" which is the IP address of your local virtual machine while it's up.
Using Git Bash, navigate to your Homestead directory ("cd ~/Homestead") and run the following command:
- ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you@homestead"
- This will create a .ssh directory with your ssh key inside for SSh-ing into your virtual machine.
Using Git Bash, navigate to your home directory and run
vagrant up
This will spin up your virtual environment.
- If vagrant times out at the ssh step, you may need to edit your BIOS settings and enable virtualization
Run the following commands.
vagrant ssh
- This will ssh you into the virtual machine environment
php Code/cosc3380/app/core/database/sql/factory.php
- This will build/populate the database with the dummy data for the app.
- You should see a list of files that were executed being printed to the terminal window.
You should now be able to go to "" in your web browser to view the site.
- If you get a message saying "No input file selected" or something like that, make sure the git repository is in the correct location based on the "folders:" and "sites:" sections in the Homestead.yaml file.
- the "sites:" section should point to cosc3380/public directory and the nginx server will automatically look for the cosc3380/public/index.php file which is the entry point of the entire app.
There are comments throughout the source code for navigating what is going on
- Using Git Bash, go to your home directory
- cd ~
- do
touch .bashrc
- In a text editor, open this file (C:\Users<username>.bashrc)
- Add the following lines
alias ll="ls -alh" alias vgserve="cd ~/Homestead; vagrant up;"
- Close and relaunch Git Bash. You should now be able to use
- "ll" to list all files in the current directory in a formatted manner.
- "vgserve" to automatically navigate to your Homestead foler and spin up the virtual machine from any directory
- Select View > Tool Windows > Database
- A window should pop up on the right side. Click the Plus sign.
- Select Data Source
- Select MySQL
- A new window should pop up.
- Name: name it whatever you'd like that's specific to this project. cosc3380, for example.
- Host:
- Database: cosc3380
- User: homestead
- Password: secret
- URL: leave alone
- Driver: download if it's asking you to near the bottom
- Click Test Connection.
- Click Apply then Ok.
You should now be able to go to any SQL file within PHPStorm and press CTRL+Enter. You'll be prompted to select which statement you want to run.