This application serves as an Arrowhead overlay for the Optic barrier of f1tenth-scoreapp race measuring system.
It works in three modes:
a. Scoreapp compatible mode, "FindServer"
In this mode the overlay establishes a communication with the Arrowhead Core to find an active scoreapp
provider (which is created by the backend's Arrowhead overlay).
The scoreapp
Service has following metadata:
-- secret keyphrase for authorizing the barrier (it is used by the barrier to authorize itself with the scoreapp)endpoint_X
-- available endpoint for the barrier to connect to
Note: The amount of endpoints is not limited. Each parameter starting with endpoint_
should be treated as an endpoint option.
b. Lap time provider, "ProvideLap"
In this mode the overlay register itself to the Arrowhead Core as a laptime
provider. Any authorized consumers may then receive the current lap time from this barrier.
The laptime
Service has following metadata:
-- preferred IP address of the barrier
c. Offline mode, "Local only"
In this mode the overlay does not communicate with the Arrowhead Core and starts the barrier software without any external communication.
cloned to~/f1tenth-scoreapp
python3 -m pip install adafruit_circuitpython_ssd1305
aclpy >= 0.2.0
- GitHub:
- Wheel: v0.2.0
sudo apt install python3-pil
python3 -m pip install RPi.GPIO
Note: For generating the screen images, you can install only python3-pil
and adafruit_circuitpython_framebuf
- Compile the barrier software in
. - Copy the binary to
. - Obtain certificates (
) for your system from your local Arrowhead Core. - Obtain also the certificate authority
for your cloud. - Create a configuration file
. - Run the
Server = ArrowheadServer(
address = "",
Interface = ArrowheadInterface(
Service = ArrowheadService(
name = "scoreapp",
ProvidedService = ArrowheadService(
name = "laptime",
metadata = {
"address": "",
Client = ArrowheadClient(
name = "raspberry",
address = "",
port = 10110,
p12file = "raspberry.p12",
p12pass = "SomeSecurePassword",
cafile = "",
server = Server,
interfaces = [Interface],
The overlay is meant to run all the time on the Raspberry Pi. This can be acheived by creating a systemd service. An example of such configuration is shown below:
Note: In the overlay we expect that the service restarts itself upon exiting the overlay. This behaviour is used for updating the code.
Description=Arrowhead Overlay for Optic Barrier
ExecStart=python3 overlay.py3
The overlay is controlled by three buttons:
connected to GPIO 21,LEFT
connected to GPIO 19,RIGHT
connected to GPIO 26.
The overlay currently works in three modes (selected by the user):
- "FindServer" -- where it looks for a provider of
service, - "ProvideLap" -- where it register itself as a provider of
service, - "Local only" -- where it skips Arrowhead related stuff and runs without an active connection.
Upon starting, the overlay loads all required libraries and creates necessary variables. During this, the screen shows loading status:
At first the overlay checks this repository for updates of the overlay. When changes are found, the repository is pulled and the overlay is restarted:
Note: Actually, the application exits. We expect that it is restarted by the system itself.
The same applies for repository of the barrier software. Upon finding new commits, the barrier application is rebuilt and the resulting binary is moved to an appropriate location:
Note: In case that anything fails, following screen is shown before restart. As a design by-product, the building phase is not attempted again unless a new update is found.
Afterwards the overlay tries to communicate with Arrowhead Core, obtaining its system ID:
Upon success, received system ID is briefly shown:
On the other hand, when this step fails, it is displayed to the user and the overlay starts the "Local only" mode of the barrier:
In case that ID is successfully received from Arrowhead Core, main menu is shown. Here, the user can select operation mode using LEFT
buttons, confirming the choice with OK
Note: The last menu item shows the short hash of current git commit.
In its default state the overlay automatically selects the first displayed menu item in 5 seconds. This countdown is stopped upon pressing one of the buttons, hiding the remaining time:
When "FindServer" mode is selected, the overlay tries to find appropriate providers using orchestration mechanism in the Arrowhead Core. This is indicated by the following screen:
Orchestration is repeated every 5 seconds. In case that orchestration fails (i.e., the overlay is unable to communicate with Orchestrator), a screen with overlay's system ID and '' is shown:
Upon receiving valid provider, barrier software is launched with websocat that sends lap time to the remote server.
Note: It is possible to turn into the "Local only" mode by holding the RIGHT
When multiple providers are received using orchestration a small menu is shown for the user to select one:
The controls are the same as for the main menu.
When multiple endpoints on the selected provider are found, another menu is shown:
The controls are again the same as for the main menu.
When "ProvideLap" mode is selected, the overlay register itself to the Arrowhead Core as service provider:
When successful, IDs of the overlay, service and selected interface are shown:
Upon pressing OK
button, the barrier software is launched. As an active connection is required to start the software, it is temporarily launched locally. Meantime, the following screen is shown:
Note: This active connection is a limitation of the used websocat. It is not possible to launch the application right away.
When the overlay exits, it removes itself from the Arrowhead service providers (if registered). Before turning self off, the overlay shows a simple bye:
Afterwards, the screen is cleared.