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Better font, multiple views, name points
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Using the functions for the above, also changed print to be compatible
with thermobench.

Closes #13, Closes #15, Closes #11
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rozsatib committed Mar 13, 2020
1 parent a73d0f4 commit eaf5c56
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Showing 2 changed files with 141 additions and 39 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ During entering points, the points you have imported will be visible and you can

After the entering phase, the temperature of the points will be written to stdout.

### Changing between views

There are 3 views available to display points and their temperature:

* Full view - the name of the point and its temperature is displayed next to the point
* Temperature only view - only the temperature is displayed next to the point
* Legend view - the point names and temperatures are listed next to the image and only their index is displayed next to the point

You can change between these views by pressing Tab.

### Entering points

To enter points manually, run the command:
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170 changes: 131 additions & 39 deletions thermocam-pcb.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,25 @@ string license_dir;
string vid_in_path;
string vid_out_path;

enum draw_mode { FULL, TEMP, NUM };
constexpr draw_mode next(draw_mode m)
return (draw_mode)((underlying_type<draw_mode>::type(m) + 1) % 3);
draw_mode curr_draw_mode = FULL;

struct poi {
string name;
Point2f p;

struct im_status {
int height=0,width=0;
uint16_t *rawtemp = NULL;
uint16_t min_rawtemp = UINT16_MAX, max_rawtemp = 0;
Mat gray;
vector<Point2f> POI; // Points of interest
vector<poi> POI; // Points of interest

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wentasah Mar 15, 2020


Usually, names of classes start with capital letters and member variables/functions with small letters. All caps are used for preprocessor symbols (#define). The notation here might confuse people reading the code.

vector<KeyPoint> kp;
Mat desc;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,25 +85,98 @@ Mat temp2gray(uint16_t *temp, int h, int w, uint16_t min = 0, uint16_t max = 0)
return G;

void drawPOI(Mat A, vector<Point2f> POI, uint16_t *curr_rawtemp, Camera* c, Scalar color)
vector<double> getPOITemp(vector<poi> POI, uint16_t *rawtemp, Camera *c, int max_x, int max_y)
vector<double> temp(POI.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++) {

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wentasah Mar 15, 2020


In C++, it is simpler to use range-based for:

for (auto &p : POI)
  if (p.x < 0 ...)
// Dot at POI position
circle(A, POI[i], 3, color, -1);
// Text with temperature
if (round(POI[i].y) < 0 || round(POI[i].y) > A.rows ||
round(POI[i].x) < 0 || round(POI[i].x) > A.cols){
cerr << "POI out of image!" << endl;
if (round(POI[i].p.y) < 0 || round(POI[i].p.y) > max_y ||
round(POI[i].p.x) < 0 || round(POI[i].p.x) > max_x) {
cerr << POI[i].name << " out of image!" << endl;
temp[i] = nan("");
int idx = A.cols * round(POI[i].y) + round(POI[i].x);
if (!curr_rawtemp[idx]) // Skip points with absolute 0 temperature - video read
double temp = c->CalculateTemperatureC(curr_rawtemp[idx]);
stringstream stream;
stream << fixed << setprecision(2) << temp << " [C]";
putText(A, stream.str(), POI[i], FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, color, 2);
int idx = max_x * round(POI[i].p.y) + round(POI[i].p.x);
temp[i] = (c) ? c->CalculateTemperatureC(rawtemp[idx]) : nan("");
return temp;

string temp2str(double temp)
stringstream ss;
ss << fixed << setprecision(2) << temp << " C";
return ss.str();

// Prints vector of strings at given point in a column
// Workaround for the missing support of linebreaks from OpenCV
void imgPrintStrings(Mat& img, vector<string> strings, Point2f p, Scalar color)
// p += {10,10};
int bl = 0;
Size sz = getTextSize("A", FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, 2, &bl);
for (string s : strings) {
p.y += sz.height + 5;
putText(img, s, p, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 2, CV_AA);

int getSidebarWidth(vector<poi> POI)
int max = 0; // max text width
int bl = 0; // baseline
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++) {
string s = "00: " + POI[i].name + " 000.00 C";
Size sz = getTextSize(s, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, 2, &bl);
max = (sz.width > max) ? sz.width : max;
return max;

void drawSidebar(Mat& img, vector<poi> POI, vector<double> temp)
// Draw sidebar
int sbw = getSidebarWidth(POI);
copyMakeBorder(img, img, 0, 0, 0, sbw, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(255, 255, 255));

// Print point names and temperatures
vector<string> s(POI.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++)
s[i] = to_string(i) + ": " + POI[i].name + ": " + temp2str(temp[i]);
Point2f print_coords = { (float)(img.cols - sbw + 5), 0 };
imgPrintStrings(img, s, print_coords, Scalar(0, 0, 0));

void drawPOI(Mat &A, vector<poi> POI, uint16_t *curr_rawtemp, Camera *c, draw_mode mode,
Scalar color = Scalar(0, 0, 255))

// Temperatures at POI positions from rawtemp
vector<double> temp = getPOITemp(POI, curr_rawtemp, c, A.cols, A.rows);

resize(A, A, Size(), 2, 2); // Enlarge image 2x for better looking fonts
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++) {
POI[i].p *= 2; // Rescale points with image
circle(A, POI[i].p, 4, color, -1); // Dot at POI position

// Print point labels
vector<string> label;
switch (mode) {
case FULL:
label = { POI[i].name, temp2str(temp[i]) };
case TEMP:
label = { temp2str(temp[i]) };
case NUM:
label = { to_string(i) };
imgPrintStrings(A, label, POI[i].p, color);

if (mode == NUM)
drawSidebar(A, POI, temp);

void setStatusHeightWidth(im_status *s, Camera *camera, VideoCapture *video)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +226,7 @@ void clearStatusImgs(im_status *s)

void initStatus(im_status *s, Camera *camera, vector<Point2f> POI, VideoCapture *video = NULL)
void initStatus(im_status *s, Camera *camera, vector<poi> POI, VideoCapture *video = NULL)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,41 +263,45 @@ void calcCurrStatus(im_status *curr, im_status *ref, Camera *camera, VideoCaptur

void writePOI(vector<Point2f> POI, string path)
void writePOI(vector<poi> POI, string path)
pt::ptree root;
pt::ptree POI_pt;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++) {
pt::ptree elem;
elem.put("x", POI[i].x);
elem.put("y", POI[i].y);
elem.put("name", POI[i].name);
elem.put("x", POI[i].p.x);
elem.put("y", POI[i].p.y);
POI_pt.push_back(std::make_pair("", elem));
root.add_child("POI", POI_pt);
pt::write_json(path, root);

vector<Point2f> readPOI(string path)
vector<poi> readPOI(string path)
vector<Point2f> POI;
vector<poi> POI;
pt::ptree root;
pt::read_json(path, root);
for (pt::ptree::value_type &p : root.get_child("POI"))
POI.push_back({ p.second.get<float>("x"), p.second.get<float>("y") });
POI.push_back({ p.second.get<string>("name"), { p.second.get<float>("x"), p.second.get<float>("y") } });
return POI;

void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param)
if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) {
vector<Point2f> &POI = *((vector<Point2f> *)(param));
POI.push_back({ (float) x, (float) y });
vector<poi> &POI = *((vector<poi> *)(param));
string name = "Point " + to_string(POI.size());
// The image is upscaled 2x when displaying POI
// Thus we need to divide coords by 2 when getting mouse input
POI.push_back({ name, { (float)x/2, (float)y/2 } });

void inputPOI(Camera* camera, vector<Point2f>* POI, VideoCapture* video){
void inputPOI(Camera* camera, vector<poi>* POI, VideoCapture* video){

cout << "\nClick on the image to enter points.\nPress Esc to delete the last entered point.\nPress Enter to finish selection and store points." << endl;
cout << "\nClick on the image to enter points.\nPress Esc to delete the last entered point.\nPress Enter to finish selection and store points.\nPress Tab to change between different views." << endl;

namedWindow("Selecting points of interest", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
setMouseCallback("Selecting points of interest", onMouse, POI);
Expand All @@ -223,24 +313,23 @@ void inputPOI(Camera* camera, vector<Point2f>* POI, VideoCapture* video){
if (key == 10 || key == 13) // Enter

if (key == 9) // Tab
curr_draw_mode = next(curr_draw_mode);
drawPOI(s.gray, *POI, s.rawtemp, camera, Scalar(0,0,255));
drawPOI(s.gray, *POI, s.rawtemp, camera, curr_draw_mode);
imshow( "Selecting points of interest", s.gray);
destroyWindow("Selecting points of interest");

void printPOITemp(Camera* camera, vector<Point2f> POI, uint16_t* rawtemp){
void printPOITemp(Camera *c, vector<poi> POI, im_status *s)
cout << "Temperature of points of interest:\n";
for(unsigned i=0; i<POI.size(); i++) {
int idx = camera->GetSettings()->GetResolutionX() * round(POI[i].y) + round(POI[i].x);
printf("Point %d: %.2lf [°C]\n", i, camera->CalculateTemperatureC(rawtemp[idx]));
vector<double> temps = getPOITemp(POI, s->rawtemp, c, s->width, s->height);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < POI.size(); i++)
printf("%s=%.2lf\n", POI[i].name.c_str(), temps[i]);
cout << endl;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,7 +446,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(!vid_out_path.empty() && camera)

vector<Point2f> POI;
vector<poi> POI;

if (!POI_import_path.empty())
POI = readPOI(POI_import_path);
Expand All @@ -377,17 +466,20 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (1) {
chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = chrono::steady_clock::now();
calcCurrStatus(&curr, &ref, camera, video);
printPOITemp(camera, POI, curr.rawtemp);
printPOITemp(camera, POI, &curr);
Mat img;
cvtColor(curr.gray, img, COLOR_GRAY2RGB);
drawPOI(img, curr.POI, curr.rawtemp, camera, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
drawPOI(img, curr.POI, curr.rawtemp, camera, curr_draw_mode);
imshow("Thermocam-PCB (Press Esc to exit)", img);

chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
double process_time = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end - begin).count();
int wait = (process_time > 1000 / CAM_FPS) ? 1 : 1000 / CAM_FPS - process_time;
if ((waitKey(wait) & 0xEFFFFF) == 27) // Esc
char key = waitKey(wait) & 0xEFFFFF;
if (key == 27) // Esc
if (key == 9) // Tab
curr_draw_mode = next(curr_draw_mode);

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