An efficient framework based on large foundation model for cervical cytopathology whole slide image classification
On an NVIDIA Tensor Core GPU machine, with CUDA toolkit enabled.
- Download our repository and open the TCT-InfoNCE
git clone
cd TCT-InfoNCE
- Requirements
conda create -n tct-info python=3.8
conda activate tct-info
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install open_clip_torch==2.23.0 transformers==4.35.2 matplotlib
pip install h5py scikit-learn==0.22.1 future==0.18.3
pip install wandb==0.15 torchsummary==1.5.1 torchmetrics
pip install einops chardet omegaconf
pip install jupyter
- Make directories
mkdir data
mkdir mil-methods/output-model
mkdir extract-features/output-model
- Result
- Model Download The models and gc-features can be accessed from Baiduyun.
The CSD dataset labels are based on the WSI as the fundamental unit, and the details can be found in the datatools
folder. Owing to the absence of permission to publicly disclose the CSD dataset, we have presented the experimental procedure for the FNAC-2019 dataset, which exhibits a similar procedure to that of the CSD dataset. The experiments were conducted on a machine equipped with four NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 GPUs; however, it is also feasible to conduct them using a single GPU.
Befor Training, need to download the FNAC-2019 dataset and put it in the data
The training process consists of three stages: filtering patches, training adapter, and training the MIL method. The subsequent process is specifically tailored for the PLIP
foundation model in conjunction with the MHIM(TransMIL)
- Filter patches
# default: 4 gpu; output: ./data/fnac/biomedclip-test-meanmil-20
bash tools/
- Train adapter
# default: 4 gpu; output: ./extract-features/output-model/simclr-infonce
bash tools/
- Train MIL
# extract patch features use the trained image encoder
# default: 4 gpu; output: ./data/fnac-features/biomedclip-adapter
bash tools/
# train TransMIL
# default: 1 gpu; output: ./mil-methods/output-model/biomedclip-adapter-mhim(transmil)-fnac-trainval
bash tools/
You can eval our method on CSD dataset by downloading the WSI features and MIL methods' weights from Baiduyun. Put the download file to TCT-InfoNCEI
folder, which is this project root.
bash tools/