released this
07 Jun 19:55
5314 commits
to develop
since this release
Release of Cacti 1.2.4
Thank you everyone who are using Cacti and especially those helping to make Cacti better!
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Change Log
- issue #2523: Send A Test Email stops working under PHP 7.3
- issue #2589: Missing RRD file can cause DSSTATS to throw errors
- issue #2590: When installing, chosen language is sometimes lost
- issue #2591: Menu selection does not always match selected page/section
- issue #2592: When viewing an aggregate graph, 'Display graphs from this aggregate' option does always not work
- issue #2593: Unable to migrate aggregate graphs to matching aggregate template
- issue #2598: Creating an aggregate graph without associated template causes RRDtool error
- issue #2599: Creating/Updating an Aggregate Graph to use LINE/STACK's generates invalid SQL statements
- issue #2604: When adding a dataquery, SQL errors can be generated
- issue #2605: When installing, checking database tables can cause errors
- issue #2608: db_update_table() function should not require an engine type or comment
- issue #2609: When updating from earlier than 1.2, timezone column might not exist
- issue #2610: Data Sources troubleshooter generates warning that each() function is deprecated
- issue #2612: When RRDtool fails to initialize, DSStats generates lots of warnings
- issue #2618: ifAdminStatus in snmp_queries/interfaces.xml
- issue #2621: File paths that accept blanks are not allowing blanks
- issue #2622: Various undefined variables generate errors within database.php
- issue #2623: When using form_text_area(), invalid HTML can be generated
- issue #2627: Some filenames can be lost in log file selection list
- issue #2629: When upgrading, ldap library is not loaded properly due to incorrect paths
- issue #2632: Automated Networks are not being properly replicated to additional pollers
- issue #2635: When running automation scans, database connection should be forced to central database
- issue #2638: Support disabling PHP SNMP extension by mhoran
- issue #2645: Some URLs are incorrectly calculated
- issue #2649: Automation not creating graphs when there are custom items
- issue #2650: Several undefined variables are generating warnings
- issue #2662: HRULE objects broken in some cases
- issue #2668: Trailing parentheses are removed from the SNMP system description
- issue #2672: Cacti Install on Windows Fails
- issue #2676: Skin paper plane not working on iPhone XR
- issue #2678: Call to undefined function _() in data_queries.php
- issue #2679: Users with passwords that do not meet complexity requirements are not redirected to the Change Password page
- issue #2680: Remove deprecated $php_errormsg usage
- issue #2689: Increase boost maximum memory limits
- issue #2693: Graph links do not contain URL path causing links to fail
- issue #2698: Avoid duplicated icon in the main.js of all themes
- issue #2699: Login option "Show the page that user pointed their browser to" does not work properly
- issue #2702: sqltable_to_php.php does not always generate valid table data arrays
- issue #2707: Some pages that have permission errors dont raise proper messages
- issue #2712: PHP memory should be unlimited in scripts that need more memory than the default
- issue #2713: SNMP System Description with UTF8 strings properly are not properly parsed
- issue #2718: When links are converted to ajax calls, mailto links should not be included
- issue #2720: When calculating percentiles, the value is incorrect as the steps are not placed in correct order
- feature #2538: Allow users to change default method of removing data sources when deleting graphs
- feature #2539: Allow users to set the default graph lock status
- feature #2540: Allow users to enable/disable graph tree history
- feature #2646: Allow application of automation rules on CLI by rb83
- feature #2654: New hook to notify plugins of user profile changes ('auth_profile_update_data')
- feature #2664: Add option to purge spikekill backups
- feature #2701: Provide option to continue graphing objects that loose their index
- feature #2704: Device and template cache do not refresh properly
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