- Sensitivity and subgroup analysis for SCCS were added.
- AFT model for survival were added.
- Add trycatch for sccs since some small dataset cannot conduct sccs.
- Study type: Epidemiology study
- Tags: Common data model, MND
- Study sites:
- Hong Kong : Celine Chui, FAN Min, Gao Le, Edmund Cheung
- Tai Wan :Edward Lai, Daniel Tsai
- Korea :Ju-Young Shin, Sungho Bea
- Protocol: v1.2
- Publications: -
- A database in the data shall format provided in protocol
- A xlsx files including all the icd-codes needed. Can be download here: ./data/codes_mnd.xlsx
- R version 4.1.0 or newer with/without Rstudio
- On Windows: RTools
- SCCS version has to be version 1.3. Now there is a potential bug in version 1.4 or above. download
Install RTools
Copy the mnd_codes.xlsx file into the local drive and input your regional values, eg. population.
Create an empty folder or new RStudio project. Then in R, use the following code to install the study package and its dependencies:
install.packages("devtools") # may need to input 1 or 2 if there are any packages needed to update. library("devtools") devtools::install_github("Cainefm/MND",upgrade="never") library("MND") dir_mnd_codes <- "" #pls input your directory of MND_codes.xlsx here.
The common data shell are presented in the protocol
Demographic table
Inpatient records Drug records Diagnosis records## A sub population in HK for testing are attached in the package demo
For incidence estimation and time-varing cox regression.
dt_desc <- run_desc(demo, dx, rx, ip, region = "hk", codes_sys = "icd9") # the standardized incidence dt_desc$std_inci # the raw data for incidence dt_desc$dt_raw
HK results:
Testing dataset:There are several results in the
Desc results:- dt_raw: the raw database
- dt_cox: the database for cox regression
- tableone: the output of table one
- std_inci: the standardized incidence using WHO as the reference population which used for comparison
- cox_result: the result after cox regression from the R
- aft_result: the result after accelerate failure time model from the R
- cox_est: cleaned results for Cox
- aft_est: cleaned results for AFT
HK results:
Testing dataset:p_inci_sex(dt_desc)
HK results:
Testing dataset:p_inci_type(dt_desc,region="test")
HK results:
Testing dataset:dt_desc$cox_est
HK results:
Testing dataset: -
Generate table one descriptive statistics
HK results:
Testing dataset: -
For sccs estimation:
sccs_res <- run_sccs(demo, dx, rx, ip, riluzole_name = "riluzole|riluteck", obst = "2001-08-24", obed = "2018-12-31")
HK results:
Testing dataset:There are several results in the sccs
SCCS results:- dt_raw: the raw database
- primary: the sccs result from the primary analysis
- subgroup_ae: the subgroup analysis of sccs with only the admission from A&E
- subgroup_pneumonia: the subgroup analysis of sccs with only the admission with pneumonia
- subgroup_arf: the subgroup analysis of sccs with only the admission with accute respirtory failure
- collapsed: the collapsed risk period