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The CakeML compiler backend.

San: A case study for the shared memory feature.

ag32: This directory contains the Silver-specific part of the compiler backend and associated proofs.

arm7: This directory contains the ARMv7-specific part of the compiler backend.

arm8: This directory contains the ARMv8-specific part of the compiler backend.

arm8_asl: This directory contains proofs for the ASL-derived ARMv8-specific part of the compiler backend.

backendScript.sml: Composes all of the compiler phases within the compiler backend into a single compile function which is connected (in ../compilerScript.sml) to the front-end, i.e. parsing and type inference.

backend_commonScript.sml: Definitions that are common for many parts of the compiler backend.

backend_passesScript.sml: Reformulates compile definition to expose the result of each internal compiler pass

bviScript.sml: The BVI intermediate language. This language is very similar to BVL. One of the more notable differences is that exception handling is now bundled together with function calls: exceptions can only be caught at the point of function calls.

bvi_letScript.sml: This is a BVI transformation that propagates variable lookups that are immediately assigned to a new variable in Let bindings. This optimisation is to run immediately when entering BVI.

bvi_tailrecScript.sml: A compiler phase that turns some non-tail-recursive functions into tail-recursive functions.

bvi_to_dataScript.sml: A compiler phase that turns programs of the functional language BVI into the first imperative language of the CakeML compiler: dataLang.

bvlScript.sml: The BVL intermediate language. This language is a simple first-order functional language without closures.

bvl_constScript.sml: This is a BVL transformation that propagates simple and cheap-to-compute context-free expression from Let bindings. It also performs some simple constant folding with SmartOp (below).

bvl_handleScript.sml: BVL transformation that introduces a Let into each Handle body. This is preparation for BVL --> BVI compilation. This phase also removes Handles in case the body cannot raise an exception.

bvl_inlineScript.sml: A simple function-inlining optimisation within the BVL language. There is a more advanced inlining optimisation as part of clos_known.

bvl_jumpScript.sml: A function for generating efficient switch-like jumps in BVL.

bvl_to_bviScript.sml: A compiler phases that transforms BVL programs into BVI programs. As part of this phase, certain primitive operations map to "stubs" code implemented in BVI; numeric constants are split into smaller ones to ease code generation later; Handle is fused with Call; and very large expressions are split into samller ones (in order to protect the register allocator from overly large inputs).

closLangScript.sml: The closLang intermediate language. This language is the last intermediate language that has closure values. This language is designed for optimisation of function calls.

clos_annotateScript.sml: A compiler phase that annotates code that creates closures with (minimal) live variable annotations. Such live variable annotations are required for closure conversion, which is implemented in the clos_to_bvl phase of the compiler.

clos_callScript.sml: This compiler phase moves code from closures into a separate code table and tries to change calls to known closures into fast C-style function calls.

clos_fvsScript.sml: Replaces free variables with constant type errors.

clos_interpScript.sml: Implementation of interpreter for closLang expressions written in closLang.

clos_knownScript.sml: This complicated compiler phase tracks where closure values flow in a program. It attempts to annotate function applications with the (numeric) names of the called closures (annotations lead to better code in clos_to_bvl). If the code for the applied closure is statically known and small enough, then this compiler phase can inline the body of the called closure. The function inlining is recurisve and controlled using configurable parameters.

clos_letopScript.sml: This simple compiler phase tidies up after function inlining, in particular it turns Let [x0; x1; ...] (Op op [Var 0; Var 1; ...]) into Op op [x0; x1; ...], which enables further optimisation later, e.g. in bvi_tailrec.

clos_mtiScript.sml: This compiler phase introduces multi-argument function applications and function closures. This phase enables subsequent compiler phases to make use of closLang's support for true multi-argument functions. This phase is vital for good performance.

clos_numberScript.sml: This simple compiler phase walks the program and gives each closure a unique numeric name.

clos_opScript.sml: This is file implements a "smart" version of ClosLang's Op constructor. When possible, this smart constructor breaks the operation into faster separate operators.

clos_ticksScript.sml: This simple compiler phase removes all Tick operations. Tick operations appear as a side effect of function inlining, and can be removed because they have no observable behaviour. It is good idea to remove them because they get in the way of pattern matching done by several optimisations.

clos_to_bvlScript.sml: This compiler phase performs closure conversion. This phase puts all of the code into a table of first-order, closed, multi-argument functions.

cv_compute: Files that prepare the compiler backend for computation using HOL4's cv_compute mechanism.

dataLangScript.sml: The dataLang intermediate lannguage is the last language with a functional-programming-style data abstraction.

data_liveScript.sml: This compiler phase minimises the live-var annotations that are attached to MakeSpace, Assign and Call in dataLang programs. This phase also locally deletes code that has no observable effect.

data_simpScript.sml: This simple compiler phase cleans up dataLang programs. The simp optimisation removes Skips and deletes some dead code created by Raise and Return.

data_spaceScript.sml: This dataLang phase lumps together MakeSpace operations. Each MakeSpace operations corresponds to a memory allocation in the later wordLang code. By lumping together MakeSpace operations we turn several calls to the memory allocator into a single efficient call.

data_to_wordScript.sml: This compiler phase removes the functional-programming-style data abstraction of dataLang and lands in wordLang where all values are machine words and memory is a flat finite mapping from machine addresses to machine words. This phase introduces the garbage collector and bignum library, among other things.

db_varsScript.sml: Defines a datatype that is handy when keeping track of which dB vars are live when traversing a language using dB vars.

displayLangScript.sml: displayLang is a stepping stone when before pretty printing any of the compiler's intermediate languages for inspection by humans. The design of displayLang is intentionally very simple. The language supports Tuples, Items (e.g. datatype constructors), and Lists.

exportScript.sml: Some common helper functions for writing the final byte list -> string exporter.

flatLangScript.sml: The first intermediate language flatLang. It removes modules and resolves all global scoping. Each value definition gets allocated a slot in a global variable store, and each type and exception gets a unique global identifier. It removes andalso and orelse and replaces them with if, and removes the AallocEmpty primitive op and replaces it with an alloc call with 0.

flat_elimScript.sml: Implementation for flatLang dead-code elimination.

flat_patternScript.sml: Interface between flatLang and pattern compiler.

flat_to_closScript.sml: Compilation from flatLang to closLang. This compiler phase converts explicit variable names of flatLang to de Bruijn indexing of closLang. It also makes all division-by-zero and out-of-bounds exceptions raised explicitly.

flat_uncheck_ctorsScript.sml: This compiler phase replaces tuples with constructors (with tag 0).

gc: This directory contains the garbage collector (GC) algorithms and their verification proofs.

jsonLangScript.sml: This module contains a datatype for representing JSON objects, and related functions. A JSON object can be an array of objects, a string, an int, a bool or null, or it can be an object enclosed in {}, in which case it can be viewed as a key-value store of names (strings) and JSON objects.

labLangScript.sml: The labLang intermediate language is a target-neutral assembly language at the bottom end of the compielr backend.

lab_filterScript.sml: This compiler phase removes all Skip instructions (generated from Tick in stackLang).

lab_to_targetScript.sml: This compiler phase generates concrete (ARM, x64, ag32, RISC-V, MIPS) machine code from labLang assmebly programs. This phase is the CakeML compiler's assmebler: it computes label offsets and encodes all instructions according to the instruction encoder stored in the compiler configuration.

mips: This directory contains the mips-specific part of the compiler backend.

pattern_matching: The CakeML pattern matching expressions compiler

presLangLib.sml: Library that helps pretty print code

presLangScript.sml: Functions for converting various intermediate languages into displayLang representations.

proofs: This directory contains the correctness proofs for all of the different phases of the compiler backend.

reg_alloc: This directory contains the implementation of the register allocator and parallel-move algorithms.

riscv: This directory contains the RISC-V-specific part of the compiler backend.

semantics: This directory contains the definition of the semantics for each intermediate language that is used in the compiler backend. This directory also contains generic properties about the semantics of each intermediate language.

serialiser: Proofs and automation for serialising HOL values.

source_letScript.sml: This is a source-to-source transformation that lifts Let/Letrec expressions that sit at the top of Dlet:s into their own Dlet/Dletrec:s.

source_to_flatScript.sml: This is the compiler phase that translates the CakeML source language into flatLang.

source_to_sourceScript.sml: This phase collects all source-to-source transformations.

stackLangScript.sml: The stackLang intermediate language is a structured programming language with function calls, while loops, if statements, etc. All assignments are assembly instructions and register allocation is assumed to have been done. This is the language within which stack operations get optimised and turned into normal memory accesses.

stack_allocScript.sml: This compiler phase introduces the implementation of the memory allocator and its garbage collector. It traverses the given code and replaces all calls to Alloc by calls to code that it inserts into the compiled program. the inserted code is a stackLang implementation of the garbage collector.

stack_namesScript.sml: This compiler phase renames the registers to fit with the target architecture.

stack_rawcallScript.sml: This compiler phase introduces calls past the stack allocation code that is present at almost every start of function. A call past stack allocation is called a RawCall. RawCalls are introduced to shortcut some bookkeeping during tail-calls to known locations, i.e Call NONE (INL dest) ...

stack_removeScript.sml: This compiler phase implements all stack operations as normal memory load/store operations.

stack_to_labScript.sml: This compiler phase maps stackLang programs, which has structure such as If, While, Return etc, to labLang programs that are a soup of goto-like jumps.

str_treeScript.sml: A Lisp inspired tree of mlstrings and a pretty printing function

wordLangScript.sml: The wordLang intermediate language consists of structured programs that overate over machine words, a list-like stack and a flat memory. This is the language where register allocation is performed.

wordLangSyntax.sml: ML functions for dealing with the syntax of wordLang programs.

word_allocScript.sml: This is the compiler's regsiter allocator. It supports different modes: 0) simple allocator, no spill heuristics; 1) simple allocator + spill heuristics; 2) IRC allocator, no spill heuristics (default); 3) IRC allocator + spill heuristics; 4) linear scan register allocator.

word_bignumScript.sml: The bignum library used by the CakeML compiler. Note that the implementation is automatically generated from a shallow embedding that is part of the HOL distribution in mc_multiwordTheory.

word_copyScript.sml: This compilation pass performs a copy propagation phase. NOTE: Copy propagation may be incomplete if input is not in SSA form.

word_cseScript.sml: Defines a common sub-expression elimination pass on a wordLang program. This pass is to run immeidately atfer the SSA-like renaming.

word_depthScript.sml: Computes the call graph for wordLang program with an acyclic call graph. This graph is in turn used to compute the max stack depth used by the wordLang program.

word_elimScript.sml: Implementation for wordLang dead-code elimination.

word_instScript.sml: This compiler phase implements instruction selection. It uses the Maximal Munch strategy.

word_removeScript.sml: This simple compiler phase removes MustTerminate, which is a semantic-device used to help keep the logical clocks in sync in the data_to_word correctness proofs.

word_simpScript.sml: This compiler phase performs lightweight optimisations on wordLang programs. It is in particular designed to clean up some awkward patterns that can be produced by the data_to_word compiler.

word_to_stackScript.sml: This compiler phase maps wordLang programs into stackLang programs. The most complicated part is the handling of spilled variables in conjunction with function calls. This compiler phase also introduces the so called bitmaps that the garbage collector uses to known which variables it should treat as roots in a given stack frame.

word_to_wordScript.sml: This compiler phase composes the phases internal to wordLang: 1) word_simp ; 2) inst_select ; 3) SSA ; 4) remove_dead 5) word_cse ; 6) copy_prop ; 7) three-to-two reg 8) remove_unreach ; 9) remove_dead ; 10) word_alloc

word_unreachScript.sml: This compilation pass removes trivially unreachable code.

x64: This directory contains the x64-specific part of the compiler backend.