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This is an online social robot navigation framework for indoor social scenarios that uses a Social Heatmap to represent crowded areas in an environment and also uses a multilayer technique for the planning module.


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Fedback Social Comfort Robot Navigation Framework

This is an online social robot navigation framework for indoor social scenarios that uses a Social Heatmap to represent crowded areas in an environment and also uses a multilayer technique for the planning module.

It is composed of four different packages:

  • smf_move_base_control: it is a simple differential control method.
  • smf_move_base_mapping: is in charge of the perception of the space.
  • smf_move_base_planning: responsible for finding solution paths for the navigation query requested.
  • smf_move_base_msgs: contains the messages needed for the framework and the start-goal queries.

To run the framework, there is a launch file example in every package with example configurations.


World Modeling (smf_move_base_mapping)

This package is in charge of the perception for the robot. For that, a depth camera is used, which helps to generate a 3D map of the space by using Octomap.

This 3D map is combined in a multilayer GridMap with the position of the social agents detected in the space.

Alditionally, this package also provides an idea of the crowded areas in the social environment.


  • resolution (double, default: 1.0)

    Octomap and Grid Map resolution.

  • map_frame (string, default: "map")

  • fixed_frame (string, default: "fixed_frame")

    Fixed frame considered for the mapping, can be odom for example.

  • robot_frame (string, default: "/robot_frame")

    Base frame considered from the robot for the mapping.

  • oflline_octomap_path (string, default: "")

    If defined, then the given map is used and no ther mapping is done.

  • visualize_free_space (bool, default: True)

    Wether you would like to see the 3D map and grid_map. If False, nothing is published at /smf_move_base_mapping/social_grid_map and /smf_move_base_mapping/octomap_map.

  • mapping_max_range (double, default: 5.0)

    Maximum distance to generate the 3D map from the obtained depth points.

  • odometry_topic (string, default: "/odometry_topic")

  • rviz_timer (double, default: 0.0)

    The time delay to publish messages to RViz. Not used if visualize_free_space is False.

  • point_cloud_topics (list: string, default: empty)

    List of pointcloud topics used to generate the 3D map.

  • point_cloud_frames (list: string, default: empty)

    List of frames from pointcloud topics in order respectively.

  • social_agents_topic (string, default: "/pedsim_simulator/simulated_agents")

    Topic with social agents states.

  • social_agent_radius (double, default: 0.4)

    Radius considered for the social agents.

  • social_relevance_validity_checking (bool, default: False)

    Whether or not it is desired to only consider the relevant agents.

  • robot_distance_view_max (double, default: 6.0)

    Maximum distance for the robot to consider social agents.

  • robot_distance_view_min (double, default: 1.5)

    Mininum distance for the robot to consider social agents.

  • robot_angle_view (double, default: 1.57)

    Maximum angle in which the social agents are considered from the field of view of the robot. Defined in radians.

  • robot_velocity_threshold (double, default: 0.3)

    Maximum velocity that the robot can have.

  • social_heatmap_decay_factor (double, default: 65)

    It is recommended a value in between 60 and 75.


The name of the subscribers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.

  • /pedsim_simulator/simulated_agents (pedsim_msgs/AgentStates)

    Position, orientation, velocity and other states of the social agents.

  • /pepper/camera/depth/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

    Depth points from depth camera.

  • /pepper/odom_groundtruth (nav_msgs/Odometry)

    Robot odometry (in this case it was Pepper robot).


The name of the publishers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.

  • /smf_move_base_mapping/octomap_map (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)

    Visual representation of the 3D map created.

  • /smf_move_base_mapping/social_grid_map (grid_map_msgs/GridMap)

    Grid map with 4 layers, one for obstacles and one including obstacles and social agents, one for comfort and another for social heatmap.


Online Social Robot Path Planning (smf_move_base_planning)

This package is in charge of finding socially acceptable solution paths for the robot to follow.


All of the following parameters have to be defined since they have no default values.

  • world_frame (string)

    Main parent frame to be used as reference.

  • planner_name (string)

    Planner to be used for global, can be RRT, RRTstar or PRMstar.

  • local_planner_name (string)

    Planner to be used for local, can be RRT, RRTstar or PRMstar, InformedRRTstarMod, InformedRRTstar.

  • planning_bounds_x (list: [x_min, x_max])

    Limits for planning in the X axis.

  • planning_bounds_y (list: [y_min, y_max])

    Limits for planning in the Y axis.

  • dynamic_bounds (bool)

    Whether it is wanted to change the planning bounds dinamically depending on the navigation query.

  • start_state (list, [X, Y, Yaw])

    Define start state for navigation query if the action is not going to be used.

  • goal_state (list, [X, Y, Yaw])

    Define goal state for navigation query if no action is used.

  • timer_period (double)

    Controls the time for sleeps in the node.

  • solving_time (double)

    Time given to the planner to solve the navigation query, both for the global and the local layer.

  • opport_collision_check (bool)

    Whether it is wanted to use opportunistic collision checking or not.

  • reuse_last_best_solution (bool)

    Whether it is wanted to apply the reuse of the last best known solution for the global planner.

  • local_reuse_last_best_solution (bool)

    Whether it is wanted to apply the reuse of the last best known solution for the local planner.

  • optimization_objective (string)

    Defines which optimization objective to use is desired for the global planner. Currently, only supported PathLength and SocialHeatmap.

  • local_optimization_objective (string)

    Defines which optimization objective to use is desired for the local planner. Currently, only supported PathLength and SocialComfort.

  • motion_cost_interpolation (bool)

    If motion cost interpolation is desired.

  • xy_goal_tolerance (double)

    Tolerance in the XY axis for the global goal state.

  • local_xy_goal_tolerance (double)

    Tolerance in the XY axis for the local goal state.

  • visualize_tree: (bool)

    Whether it is desired to visualize or not the tree generated by the planner.

  • grid_map_service (string)

    Service name to get the GridMap.

  • control_active_topic (string)

    Topic to communicate with the control module to know when control is ready.

  • robot_base_radius (double)

    Radius of the base of the robot to be considered for the planning.

  • odometry_topic (string)

  • query_goal_topic (string)

    Topic to request a query without using actions.

  • goto_action (string)

    Action name to run a navigation query.

  • local_path_range (double)

    Distance from the robot position to the decided local goal.

  • global_time_percent (double)

    Percentage given to the global planner from the time budget.


The name of the subscribers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.


The name of the publishers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.

  • /smf_move_base_planner/smf_move_base_solution_path (smf_move_base_msgs/Path2D)

    Solution path found by the planner. It is passed to the control module.

  • /smf_move_base_planner/smf_num_nodes (std_msgs/Int32)

    Number of valid nodes sampled by the local planner.

  • /smf_move_base_planner/query_goal_pose_rviz (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)

    Shows in RViz the query pose requested to the planner.

  • /smf_move_base_planner/query_goal_radius_rviz (visualization_msgs/Marker)

    Shows in RViz the radius of the query requested to the planner.

  • /smf_move_base_planner/solution_path (visualization_msgs/Marker)

    Visual solution path to be seen in RViz.


  • /goto_action (smf_move_base_msgs/GoTo2D)

    Action to request navigation query. The name of the action server depends on the parameter goto_action.

Path Following Control (smf_move_base_control)

This module is in charge of sending the velocities to the robot according to the path obtained so that the robot goes through that path.


  • max_vel (double, default: 0.1)

    Maximum velocity the robot can have in the X axis.

  • min_vel (double, default: 0.05)

    Minimum velocity for the robot to move in the X axis.

  • max_turn_rate (double, default: 0.5)

    Maximum velocity with which the robot can rotate.

  • min_turn_rate (double, default: 0.5)

    Minimum velocity for the robot to rotate.

  • controller_hz (double, default: 100)

    Frequency in which velocities are sent

  • control_path_topic (string, default: "/control_path_topic")

    Topic in which the desired path to follow is published.

  • control_output_topic (double, default: "/control_output_topic")

    Topic in which the velocities are published.

  • odometry_topic (string, default: "/odometry_topic")


The name of the subscribers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.


The name of the publishers' topics are just defined as an example, but they may be configured using the parameters defined before.


This is an online social robot navigation framework for indoor social scenarios that uses a Social Heatmap to represent crowded areas in an environment and also uses a multilayer technique for the planning module.








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