A little AutoHotkey script that enables a quake-style console for mintty (like Visor for OS X)
download and run mintty-quake-console.exe
right click icon in system tray -> "Options"
press **ctrk + ~** (or configured keybinding) to toggle console
note: after manually changing the ini file, reload the script by right-clicking the tray icon and selecting Reload
mintty_path = path to mintty.exe
mintty_args = arguments to pass to mintty.exe
hotkey = key combination to show/hide console
start_with_windows = add this script to Windows startup (1) or disable (0)
start_hidden = show mintty.exe when script is started (0) or wait for hotkey (1)
initial_height = height (in pixels) of the mintty console
initial_width = width (percentage of screen width) of the mintty console
autohide_by_default = set to 1 to automatically hide mintty when it loses focus
animation_step = number of pixels to shift each step of the slide animation
animation_timeout = how long (in ms) to wait between each animation_step
Use Ctrl+Alt+Numpad(+/-) to increase or decrease the console height
To use ZSH instead of BASH, set the following in mintty-quake-console.ini (zsh must be installed through cygwin):
mintty_args=/bin/zsh -li
Download lonepie's minttyrc for their font/color settings
$ wget -O ~/.minttyrc https://github.com/lonepie/dotfiles/raw/master/minttyrc
- add support for putty, or maybe even console2