69 commits
to develop
since this release
Linchpin 2.0.0
This release is a feature-rich release focusing mainly on the redesign of linchpin ci around Github actions, testing enhancements and bugfixes.
Thanks to all the contributors (Ryan, Junqi, Danny, Alex) to the project linchpin for making this happen.
- From linchpin 2.0 release we are dropping support for python 2.x environments. We encourage our customers to upgrade to Python3.x.
- Post 2.0 Release linchpin will be put on maintenance mode. All the existing features of linchpin are supported no new features will be developed. If any bugs persist in existing features in linchpin they will be fixed in regular maintenance releases.
- However, if there are any business-critical features required by customers they will be taken upon a case by case basis
- Linchpin’s project always welcomes and encourages contributions. if there is any feature anyone would like to develop feel free to contribute to the project. We will be happy to review and merge the contribution.
The official release notes are available at
This update is available via PyPI
If you discover any errors or regressions, please open a Github issue
CI/Test Enhancements
- Run molecule tests for gcloud in github actions #1708 by 14rcole
- Run beaker mock integration tests in github actions #1703 by 14rcole
- Improve unit test coverage within linchpin #1696 by 14rcole
- Add code coverage tests to github actions #1664 by 14rcole
- Add support for CentOS 8 #1596 by 14rcole
- CI refactor #1223 by abraverm
- Standardize Duffy role to OASIS #1659 by Dannyb48
- Standardize OpenShift role to OASIS #1657 by Dannyb48
- Standardize Docker role OASIS #1656 by Dannyb48
- Make Azure role to oasis standard #1634 by JunqiZhang0
- Standardize Google cloud role to OASIS. #1632 by samvarankashyap
- Disable fail fast behavior in linchpin GitHub actions #1628 by samvarankashyap
- RFE: Create POC to run all ci testing in github actions #1624 by samvarankashyap
- Add support for molecule tests to AWS #1619 by 14rcole
- linchpin mock tests fail on aws_s3 module #1617 by samvarankashyap
- Add mock integration tests for Libvirt provider #1542 by samvarankashyap
- Write a script/ansible playbook to gather mock data from multiple cloud providers #1541 by samvarankashyap
- Move azure integration test to mock provider #1531 by JunqiZhang0
- Add support for centos8 in integration testing #1487 by samvarankashyap
- Replace Deprecated module used for gcp_compute_network_facts #1536 by samvarankashyap
- Documentation 100% refactor proposal #1532 by JunqiZhang0
Bug fixes
- Provisioning Beaker machines w/count > 1 causes XML RPC errors #1693 by Dannyb48
- The leftover of Azure should be cleaned #1692 by JunqiZhang0
- bug: azure_rm_manageddisk missing mock data #1687 by samvarankashyap
- Bug: Molecule, linting tests run on both PR and push phases #1683 by samvarankashyap
- multicontainer Testing returns false positive results #1681 by abraverm
- AWS ec2 mock fails on fedora31 container #1665 by samvarankashyap
- 1.10.0 cloud-config doesn't work on libvirt host #1630 by johnbieren
- AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'cloud_config_used' is undefined #1616 by elenagerman
- ImportError: cannot import name 'string_types' #1613 by yprokule
- linchpin setup commands fail with a ValueError#1582 by Dannyb48
- Beaker gssapi dependency overlap causing provisioning failures #1581 by Dannyb48
- LinchpinAPI do_validation is always returning rc 0 even though validation fails on layout #1578 by Dannyb48