This is python script for fetching the data from the haas machines using MtConnect. The data fetched from the machine is being inserted into the MySQL Database.
#Technologies used here are Python-Latest verison(3.13) MySQL - 8.0.40
Libraries - mtconnect,mysql-python-connector, requests.
#Database Configuration DB_CONFIG = { 'host': 'your_hostname', 'user': 'username', 'password': 'your_passqord', 'database': 'your database', 'auth_plugin': 'mysql_native_password' }
In this part of the code we're looking at the configuratino of the database. which are mostly used for the configuration username,password, host name, database and if necessary use auth_plugin because some of the newer version of the MySQL server uses SHA2 authentication process which is not supported by the older version of the MySQL like (5.0.0) which uses legacy authentication process for the verification purpose .
#Building a Connection with the Database and Creating a table
def create_table(): conn = None # Initialize conn to None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(**DB_CONFIG) # Unpack the DB_CONFIG dictionary if conn.is_connected(): cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS machine_data (
machine_name VARCHAR(50), -- Changed from INT to VARCHAR
spindle_speed FLOAT,
emergency_stop VARCHAR(50),
last_cycle INT,
this_cycle INT,
run_status VARCHAR(50),
cycle_remaining_time INT,
last_cycle_timestamp DATETIME,
this_cycle_timestamp DATETIME,
added_timestamp DATETIME
print("Table 'machine_data' created/checked successfully.")
except Error as e:
print(f"Database error: {e}")
if conn is not None and conn.is_connected():
In this function we're going to build a connection with the database and create a table each time the function is called it checks for the table if it exists or not.if it does then it will not be created, if the table table exists with the same name then table is not created
#Fetching of the data def fetch_machine_data(machine_name, url): try: response = requests.get(url + "current") response.raise_for_status()
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
namespaces = {'ns': ''}
spindle_speed = root.find('.//ns:Samples/ns:SpindleSpeed', namespaces)
device_stream = root.find('.//ns:DeviceStream', namespaces)
emergency_stop = root.find('.//ns:Events/ns:EmergencyStop', namespaces)
last_cycle = root.find('.//ns:Samples/ns:AccumulatedTime[@name="LastCycle"]', namespaces)
this_cycle = root.find('.//ns:Samples/ns:AccumulatedTime[@name="ThisCycle"]', namespaces)
run_status = root.find('.//ns:Events/ns:Execution', namespaces)
cycle_remaining_time = root.find('.//ns:Samples/ns:AccumulatedTime[@name="CycleRemainingTime"]', namespaces)
last_cycle_timestamp_iso = last_cycle.get('timestamp') if last_cycle is not None else None
this_cycle_timestamp_iso = this_cycle.get('timestamp') if this_cycle is not None else None
last_cycle_timestamp = convert_timestamp_to_mysql_format(last_cycle_timestamp_iso)
this_cycle_timestamp = convert_timestamp_to_mysql_format(this_cycle_timestamp_iso)
added_timestamp ='Asia/Kolkata')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
spindle_speed_value = float(spindle_speed.text) if spindle_speed is not None else None
emergency_stop_value = emergency_stop.text if emergency_stop is not None else None
last_cycle_value = int(last_cycle.text) if last_cycle is not None else None
this_cycle_value = int(this_cycle.text) if this_cycle is not None else None
run_status_value = run_status.text if run_status is not None else None
cycle_remaining_time_value = int(cycle_remaining_time.text) if cycle_remaining_time is not None else None
# Insert the data into the database for the specific machine name
insert_machine_data(machine_name, spindle_speed_value, emergency_stop_value,
last_cycle_value, this_cycle_value, run_status_value, cycle_remaining_time_value,
last_cycle_timestamp, this_cycle_timestamp, added_timestamp)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching data from the machine {machine_name}: {e}")
In this function we will fetch the data using the library requests to make a http get request, the request is being sent to the connected machines and the following fields are being fetched like Spindle_speed,This_cycle(in Seconds), Last_Cycle(in seconds),Run_status, etc. The fields need to configured with the xml file which is the output of the haas machine - data collection. the xml file obtained are different for three different scenarios (current, probe and sample) current being able to fetch the current status of the machine whereas the sample data is just glimpse of what data we can get from the machine and for probe we get the measurements of the tools working on the data fetched is accurate. you can fetch the data according to your requirements.
#Insertion of Data into the Database def insert_machine_data(machine_name, spindle_speed, emergency_stop, last_cycle, this_cycle, run_status, cycle_remaining_time, last_cycle_timestamp, this_cycle_timestamp, added_timestamp): conn = None # Initialize conn to None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(**DB_CONFIG) # Unpack the DB_CONFIG dictionary if conn.is_connected(): cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO machine_data (
machine_name, spindle_speed, emergency_stop,
last_cycle, this_cycle, run_status, cycle_remaining_time,
last_cycle_timestamp, this_cycle_timestamp, added_timestamp)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
(machine_name, spindle_speed, emergency_stop, last_cycle,
this_cycle, run_status, cycle_remaining_time,
last_cycle_timestamp, this_cycle_timestamp, added_timestamp))
print(f"Data inserted successfully for Machine Name: {machine_name}.")
except Error as e:
print(f"Database error: {e}")
if conn is not None and conn.is_connected():
This function is used to insert the data into the database before inserting the data into the database the time stamps of both last and this cycle are needed to be converted into the local machine time accordingly if needed. Here i am converting universal time to IST(Indian standard time).....
#conversion of the universal time to Indian standard time def convert_timestamp_to_mysql_format(iso_timestamp): try: parsed_timestamp = datetime.strptime(iso_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) ist_timestamp = parsed_timestamp.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')) mysql_timestamp = ist_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return mysql_timestamp except ValueError as e: print(f"Error converting timestamp: {e}") return None