Based on ClassiCube launcher. Notable changes made in this fork:
All net.classicube.*
namespaces have been renamed to com.chargedminers.*
New in CCCML: Encapsulates Charged-Miners settings from "settings.ini". Uses *.launcher.SettingsFile for saving/loading. Used by PreferencesScreen.
New in CCCML: Represents contents of a CM-formatted .ini file.
Charged-Miners is a self-contained executable, and does not need JVM. It's launched differently, and has different command-line arguments. Executable's name varies between platforms, and it has to be chmod'ed.
Client log file is named differently. Launcher's and game's files are co-located in DataDir, instead of split between LauncherDir and ClientDir.
Changed many directory and file names. Added getBinaryName(). Removed getClientDir() (replaced by SharedUpdaterCode.getDataDir()). Removed getJavaPath().
Removed Fullscreen/WindowSize, JavaArgs, and MaxMemory keys.
Almost completely rewritten. Different file set, different hashing method, no more natives-extraction, primary/alternative download based on platform, no more resources-download, different version-file format and URL.
Changed support URL to point to CCChargedMinersLauncher's repo issues.
Added textColor property for graying disabled text. Changed all the colors.
Removed ClassiCube-specific Fullscreen/JavaArgs/MaxMemory settings. Added Charged-Miners-specific AutoSize/Width/Height settings. Rearranged the form elements a bit.
Removed [SinglePlayer] option.
Changed some file and directory names. Replaced getLauncherDir() with getDataDir(), since launcher and client files are co-located for Charged-Miners. Removed processDownload(), unpack200(), and all LZMA-related functionality.
Changed URLs and launcher class name. Removed LZMA-related test and download.
- Window icon and embedded images (under
have been re-branded. - Updated Launch4j parameters (