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ChenYilong committed Aug 5, 2023
1 parent a6d4685 commit 4e73d7f
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Showing 10 changed files with 625 additions and 9 deletions.
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions 02_Swift_interview_questions/
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@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
# Coding language

## Basic punctuation
* comma ,
* dot .
* question mark ?
* exclamation mark !
* dash -
* underline _
* asterisk *
* slash /
* backslash \
* vertical bar |
* tilde ~
* hash #
* caret ^
* ellipsis ...
* ampersand &
* grave `
## Bracket
* Parentheses ()
* Square bracket []
* Angle bracket <>
* Curly brackets {}

## Colon
* Colon :
* Semicolon ;
## Quotation mark
* Quotes " "
* Single quotes ' '

## Operators

### Terminology
* Unary operators operate on a single target. `-a`
* Binary operators operate on two targets. `a + b`
* Ternary operators operate on three targets. ` a ? b : c `

### Assignment Operator
`a = 5` 5 assign to a
### Arithmetic Operators
* Addition (+)
* Substraction(-)
* Multiplication(*)
* Division(/)

`a + b` a add b / a plus b
`a - b` a minus b
`a * b` a multiplied by b / a times b
`a / b` a divided by b

### Remainder Operator
`9 % 4` 9 remainder with 4
### Compound Assignment Operators
`a += 2` a plus equals 2
### Comparison Operators
* Equal to (a == b)
* Not equal to (a != b)
* Greater than (a > b)
* Less than (a < b)
* Greater than or equal to (a >= b)
* Less than or equal to (a <= b)

### Nil-Coalescing Operator
`a ?? b`
### Range Operators
* Closed Range Operators `1...5` from 1 to 5
* Half-Open Range Operators `a..<b` from a to b, but doesn't include b.
* One-Sided Ranges `names[2...]` from index 2 to the end of array. `names[..<2]` from index 0 to index 2. `...5` from start to 5
### Logical Operators
* Logical NOT (!a)
* Logical AND (a && b)
* Logical OR (a || b)

### Identity Operators
* Identical to (===)
* Not identical to (!==)

### Bitwise Operators
* Shift to the left by 1 place (<< 1)
* Shift to the right by 1 place (>> 1)
* NOT (~a)
* AND (a & b)
* OR (a | b)
* exclusive OR (a ^ b)

### Overflow Operators
* Overflow addition (&+)
* Overflow subtraction (&-)
* Overflow multiplication (&*)

## Syntax

### Oriented-Object Programming

* 封装:encapsulation (capsule是胶囊,encapulate就是装到胶囊里,封装的动词)
* 集成:inheritance (inherit继承的动词)
* 多态:polymorphism (在希腊语里poly是多,morphic是形态学的)

* 函数:function
* 方法:method
* 参数:parameter
* 类:class
* 子类:subclass
* 父类:superclass
* 结构体:structure
* 元组:tuple
* 构造函数:constructor
* 实例:instance (实例化:instantiation)
* 对象:object
* 变量:variable
* 全局变量:global variable
* 局部变量:local variable
* 作用域:scope
* 常量:constant
* 成员变量:member
* 属性:property
* 储存变量:stored property
* 计算变量:computed property
* 栈:stack
* 堆:heap
* 属性包装器:property wrapper
* 字段:field
* 可空类型:optional type
* 解包可空类型:unwrapping optionals
* 强制解包:force unwrap
* 模型:model
* 模块:module (模块化:modulize)
* 值类型:value type
* 引用类型:reference type
* 重写:override
* 重载:overloading (运算符重载:operator overloading)
* 开辟内存:alloc memory
* 释放:release
* 持有:retain/store
* 循环引用:retain cycle/cycle reference
* 垃圾回收:garbage collection
* 内存泄漏:memory leak
* 调用:call/invoke
* 触发:trigger
* 扩展:extension
* 模版:template
* 原形:prototype
* 自动引用计数:ARC(automatic reference counting)
* 手动持有释放:MRR(manual retain-release)
* 上下文: context
* 声明式:declarative
* 祈使式:imperative
* 拆分:segregate/slice/split/separate
* 回调:callback

### Oriented-Protocol Programming

* 接口:protocol/interface
* 默认实现:default implementation
* 遵从接口:comform to protocol
* 代理:delegate
* 关联类型:associatedtype
* 类型别名:typealias
* 可选接口方法:optional protocol methods
* 泛型:generics
* 类型参数:type parameter (< T >)
* 不透明类型:opaque type (some View)
* 装饰器:decorator

### Reactive
* 发布者:publisher
* 订阅者:subscriber
* 事件驱动:event-driven

### Multi-thread
* 线程:thread
* 进程:process
* 信号量:semaphore
* 线程安全:thread safety
* 死锁:deadlock
* 并发:concurrency
* 串行:serialisation (serial串行的)
* 并行:parallel
* 同步:synchronous
* 异步:asynchronous
* 结构并发:structured concurrency
* 任务:task/job
* 挂起:wait/suspend
* 阻塞:pend/notify
* 休眠:sleep
* 轮询:polling
* 中断:interrupt

### Data
* 数据库: database
* 关系型数据库: relational database
* 序列化: serialize (serialization名词)
* 反序列化: deserialize
* 建表: create table
* 读取: read
* 更新: update
* 删除: delete
* 持久化: persistence
* 实体: entity
* 存储: storage
* 单项数据流: unidirectional data flow
* 双向绑定:Two-Way bindings
* 升序:ascending
* 降序:descending

### Network
* 仓库:repository
* 节点:endpoint
* 广播风暴:broadcast storm
* 重定向:redirect
* 授权:authentication
* 压缩:compression
* 缓存:cache
* 三次握手:3-way handshake
* 应答: acknowledgement

### Access Control

* 公有:public
* 私有:private
* 文件私有:file private
* 内联:internal

## Operation
* 灰度发布:gray release
* 开发环境:development environment
* 生产环境:product environment
* A/B测试:A/B Test
* 打点日志:tracking log
* 数据收集:data collection
* 诊断:diagnose
* 迭代:iterative

## UI
* 布局:layout
* 自动布局:autolayout
* 约束:restraint
* 对齐: alignment
* 行首空格:indent

## Security
* 编码: encode
* 解码: decode
* 加密: encryption
* 解密: decryption
* 对称加密: symmetric-key encryption
* 非对称加密: public-key encryption (asymmetric encryption)
* 混淆: hash
* SSL: Secure Sockets Layer

## Debug
* 歧义:ambiguity
* 错误处理:error handling/exception handling

## Others

### Code Mess
* Spaghetti code (意大利面代码,表示乱的搅在了一起)
* Ravioli code (意大利饺子代码,表示代码分了模块)
* Lasagna code (千层面代码,表示代码分了层)

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