Forked from GW2-Realm-Avenger-OBS-Element. Edited to better suit me :D
All credit goes to Evorss.
Display the Realm Avenger achievement progress in OBS.
Download these files and put them in a folder (or don't, won't judge):
- gw2swoosh.png (needed for the background)
- realm_avenger.html
You need to provide an API Key with account and progression checked off.
const apiKey = "API_KEY HERE"
You can adjust these parameters however you want to or any other part of the code:
var enableAnimation = true;
const refreshInterval = 5000; //this is in ms;
const text = "Realm Avenger Progress:"
In OBS add the element as a Browser source, set the size as you see fit. (600x70 recommended)
If you see this, that means that the API Key is incorrect or not set.