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Provides lists of Discord server members that are your friends, members you have mutual friends with, and members you have mutual servers with.

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Discord Mutual Friends and Servers

This is a simple Discord bot that allows you to gather a list of server members who are your friends, along with those you share mutual servers or mutual friends with.

Note: This project is a proof of concept. Please be aware that the use of self bots is against Discord's terms of service. Engaging with this code is at your own risk, and any potential consequences, including account suspension, are your responsibility.


  • List friends present in a server.
  • List server members with mutual friends.
  • List server members with mutual servers.

Coming Soon

  • Windows .exe and Mac .app
  • Connections graph


  • If a server has more than 1000 members, this program is only able to retrieve the currently online members (unless you have the required permissions to request all server members)



  1. Install all project Requirements

  2. Get your Discord token using the steps in the How to Get Your Token section

  3. Put your Discord token into .env.sample file

  4. Rename the file .env.sample to .env

  5. Install the requirements using the following command:

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run the main Python file with the command below, or customize the command with the options in the Command-line Options section:


How to Get Your Token

Primary Method

If you are comfortable running JavaScript in the Developer Tools Console, the following method is the easiest:

  1. Login to Discord's web app: Discord

  2. Go to your browser's Developer Tools. In most browsers this can be done by pressing ⌘ + Option + I on macOS or CTRL+ Shift + I on Windows or Linux. F12 may also work.

  3. Paste the code snippet below. If this is your first time using the Developer Tools, you may need to type allow pasting first.

      (webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken()

Other Methods

Other methods that don't involve running JavaScript in the console:

Command-line Options

Long Flag Flag Default Description Example
--get_token -g False If set, will run the get_token script to get a token. --get_token
-help -h None Show the help message. --help
--sleep_time -s 3 How long to sleep between each member request. With values lower than 3, rate limits tend to be hit, which may lead to a ban. Increase if you hit a rate limit. --sleep_time 4
--loglevel -l info Provide logging level. --loglevel debug
--output_verbosity -v 2 How much information to be included in the mutual friends and mutual servers files. 1 means just the member name. 2 means the member name and a count the member's of mutual friends or mutual servers. 3 means the member name and a list of the member's mutual friends or mutual servers. --output_verbosity 3
--print_info -p True If true, the server info, mutual friends, and mutual servers are printed to the command line. --print_info False
--write_to_json -j True If true, the server info, mutual friends, and mutual servers are written to json files. --write_to_json False
--output_path -o pwd+'output' Location for output files. --output_path some_directory/some_subdirectory/
--include_servers -i "" Only process servers whose names are in this list. If not specified, process all servers. Put server names with mutltiple words in quotes. --include_servers 'server 1' 'server2' 'server3'
--include_channels -c "" Only process the members who are in the provided channels. If not specified, tries to retrieve all server members if you have the appropriate permissions, otherwise attempts to scrape the member sidebar. --include_channels 'general' 'help'
--max_members -m sys.maxsize Maximum number of members to process. --max_members 100


Provides lists of Discord server members that are your friends, members you have mutual friends with, and members you have mutual servers with.







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