The Winlink Query Service is designed for Amateur Radio enthusiasts, integrating OpenAI's advanced capabilities to accurately process user inputs. This service allows users to send emails to request weather data for any global location, utilizing Open Weather Map for precise weather updates. The response includes comprehensive weather information delivered directly via email.
This system is personally hosted and maintained with a commitment to responsible use. Access is currently restricted to users affiliated with Eligible users must have an active amateur radio call sign and a email address.
Email your weather requests to [email protected]
with the following formats:
- Subject:
- Body:
Houston, Texas
- Subject:
- Body:
- Subject:
- Body:
provide the weather for 51.510047731805415, -0.04960678749831505 using the metric system
The system leverages OpenAI to understand various phrasing styles, though it's recommended to keep requests straightforward for optimal processing. Results are returned in imperial format by default but you can request metric by simply asking in your email (eg, London, Egland in metric format
- Time: This server is setup to respnd to requests within
3 minutes
- Rate Limit: Each email adress is allowed one request in the 3 minute window. Wait until you receive a response to send another request.
- Bots: This service was orginally built for individuals to request the weather forecast when traditional means are not available. Bots/scripts of any kind are not supported and will result in a ban.
To deploy your own instance of the Winlink Query Service, follow these steps:
- Create a docker-compose.yml file:
nano docker-compose.yml
- Add this to the YAML file with your own parameters. You will need a Gmail account, an Open AI API key and an Open Weather Map API ley:
version: '3.8'
image: christracy/winlink-query
restart: always
#SMTP Variables
SMTP_USERNAME: <[email protected]> # Email address used for processing
SMTP_PASSWORD: <your secure password> # Email password (app password)
ALLOWED_DOMAINS: "," # Domains that are allowed to use the service. Use "*" to allow all domains
#Open AI Variables
OAI_API_KEY: <your open ai api key> #API key for Open AI
#Open Weather Variables
WEATHER_API_KEY: <your open weather map api key> # API key for Open Weather Map
### Optional parameters ###
#IMAP_HOST: # Change this to use something outside of gmail (not tested)
#SMTP_HOST: # Change this to use something outside of gmail (not tested)
#INTERVAL: 60 # How often (seconds) to check the accounts inbox for new messages
#RATE_LIMIT: 30 # The number of seconds before a single account can email the service again. Violation = discard request without response
#OAI_MODEL: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 # GPT model to use for formating location to coordinates and units
#OAI_MAX_TOKENS: 50 # Max tokens used to process the GPT request
#LOG_LEVEL: INFO # Log level for the server (INFO/DEBUG)
- Bring up your stack by running:
docker compose up -d
If you find the service helpful or enjoy using it, please consider supporting me.