Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice. The base path for all the APIs is "/api/v1".
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.1.12
- SDK version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.6
- Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
- UWP >=10.0
- FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.Core >=4.0.7
- FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient >=4.0.7
- Newtonsoft.Json >=10.0.3
Generate the DLL using your preferred tool
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using Flagr.Api.Api;
using Flagr.Api.Client;
using Flagr.Api.Model;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flagr.Api.Api;
using Flagr.Api.Client;
using Flagr.Api.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void main()
var apiInstance = new ConstraintApi();
var flagID = 789; // long? | numeric ID of the flag
var segmentID = 789; // long? | numeric ID of the segment
var body = new CreateConstraintRequest(); // CreateConstraintRequest | create a constraint
Constraint result = apiInstance.CreateConstraint(flagID, segmentID, body);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ConstraintApi.CreateConstraint: " + e.Message );
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ConstraintApi | CreateConstraint | POST /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints | |
ConstraintApi | DeleteConstraint | DELETE /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints/{constraintID} | |
ConstraintApi | FindConstraints | GET /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints | |
ConstraintApi | PutConstraint | PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints/{constraintID} | |
DistributionApi | FindDistributions | GET /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/distributions | |
DistributionApi | PutDistributions | PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/distributions | |
EvaluationApi | PostEvaluation | POST /evaluation | |
EvaluationApi | PostEvaluationBatch | POST /evaluation/batch | |
ExportApi | GetExportEvalCacheJSON | GET /export/eval_cache/json | |
ExportApi | GetExportSqlite | GET /export/sqlite | |
FlagApi | CreateFlag | POST /flags | |
FlagApi | DeleteFlag | DELETE /flags/{flagID} | |
FlagApi | FindFlags | GET /flags | |
FlagApi | GetFlag | GET /flags/{flagID} | |
FlagApi | GetFlagEntityTypes | GET /flags/entity_types | |
FlagApi | GetFlagSnapshots | GET /flags/{flagID}/snapshots | |
FlagApi | PutFlag | PUT /flags/{flagID} | |
FlagApi | RestoreFlag | PUT /flags/{flagID}/restore | |
FlagApi | SetFlagEnabled | PUT /flags/{flagID}/enabled | |
HealthApi | GetHealth | GET /health | |
SegmentApi | CreateSegment | POST /flags/{flagID}/segments | |
SegmentApi | DeleteSegment | DELETE /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID} | |
SegmentApi | FindSegments | GET /flags/{flagID}/segments | |
SegmentApi | PutSegment | PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID} | |
SegmentApi | PutSegmentsReorder | PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/reorder | |
TagApi | CreateTag | POST /flags/{flagID}/tags | |
TagApi | DeleteTag | DELETE /flags/{flagID}/tags/{tagID} | |
TagApi | FindAllTags | GET /tags | |
TagApi | FindTags | GET /flags/{flagID}/tags | |
VariantApi | CreateVariant | POST /flags/{flagID}/variants | |
VariantApi | DeleteVariant | DELETE /flags/{flagID}/variants/{variantID} | |
VariantApi | FindVariants | GET /flags/{flagID}/variants | |
VariantApi | PutVariant | PUT /flags/{flagID}/variants/{variantID} |
- Model.Constraint
- Model.CreateConstraintRequest
- Model.CreateFlagRequest
- Model.CreateSegmentRequest
- Model.CreateTagRequest
- Model.CreateVariantRequest
- Model.Distribution
- Model.Error
- Model.EvalContext
- Model.EvalDebugLog
- Model.EvalResult
- Model.EvaluationBatchRequest
- Model.EvaluationBatchResponse
- Model.EvaluationEntity
- Model.Flag
- Model.FlagSnapshot
- Model.Health
- Model.PutDistributionsRequest
- Model.PutFlagRequest
- Model.PutSegmentReorderRequest
- Model.PutSegmentRequest
- Model.PutVariantRequest
- Model.Segment
- Model.SegmentDebugLog
- Model.SetFlagEnabledRequest
- Model.Tag
- Model.Variant
All endpoints do not require authorization.