A Ruby wrapper for the cleverbot.io API.
Important: For all I know, the cleverbot.io API does not work anymore. This gem, therefore, will not be kept up to date in terms of its dependencies (oj and httpclient) Though this project is part of the Cleverbot IO project, I have nothing to do with and am not responsible for the maintenance of the Cleverbot IO API itself. The maintainer of the API has gone MIA. If your application still requires this gem, you should remove it.
$ gem install cleverbot_io
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'cleverbot_io'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Be sure to look at the actual documentation for the cleverbot.io API when you are not sure about something. Or ask for documentation clarification in the issue tracker here.
Before using this module, please get your API keys at http://cleverbot.io/keys.
require 'cleverbot'
# Create a new Cleverbot instance, with an optional reference nick set.
friend = Cleverbot.new('api_user', 'api_key', 'Ricardo')
# Talk with your pal, Cleverbot.
friend.say('Why am I still talking to you?')
# => 'Because you have a beautiful soul.'