allows you to launch, manage and shut down Apache Spark clusters on Amazon EC2.
Currently it only supports Spark v2.1.0 along with HDFS v2.7.3 and must use AMI ami-6d15ec7b (or images
created based on it). This tool is based on spark-ec2
( from AMP Lab.
- Create an Amazon EC2 key pair for yourself. This can be done by
logging into your Amazon Web Services account through the AWS
console, clicking Key Pairs on the
left sidebar, and creating and downloading a key. Make sure that you
set the permissions for the private key file to
(i.e. only you can read and write it) so thatssh
will work. - Whenever you want to use the
script, set the environment variablesAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
to your Amazon EC2 access key ID and secret access key. These can be obtained from the AWS homepage by clicking Account > Security Credentials > Access Credentials.
- Go into the
directory you clone from this repo - Example:
./spark-ec2 -k <keypair> -i <key-file> -s <num-slaves> -t <instance-type> -a <AMI-ID> -v <spark-version> --ebs-vol-size=<size-in-GB> --ebs-vol-type=<ebs-vol-type> --ebs-vol-num=<1-to-8> --spot-price=<spot-price> --additional-tags=<tags> launch <cluster-name>
, where<keypair>
is the name of your EC2 key pair (that you gave it when you created it),<key-file>
is the private key file for your key pair,<num-slaves>
is the number of slave nodes to launch (try 1 at first),<instance-type>
is the instance type (e.g. m4.xlarge) ,<cluster-name>
is the name to give to your cluster, and<tags>
is the tags you want to add to the instances (e.g., "Project:MyProject,Type:Project". If--spot-price
is set, the cluster is launched as spot instances with the given maximum price. - EBS volume:
The script requires you to add at least one EBS volume besides the root volume. The first EBS volume added
will be mounted and used for HDFS. You can add more than one volumes, but they will not be mounted by
- You may also
a running cluster andstart
the stopped cluster. When a stopped cluster is restarted, it preserves the data stored in HDFS. Spot instances do not support start and stop. - You can also
a cluster, which terminates the instances and delete the EBS volume.