Setup YARN on a set of EC2 instances in a single highly-automated step for submission of 15-719 P3.3.
Usage: ./ [options] <action> <cluster_name>
<action> can be: launch, destroy, login, get-master, stop, start
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SLAVES, --slaves=SLAVES
Number of slaves to launch (default: 4)
-p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
If you have multiple profiles (AWS or boto config),
you can configure additional, named profiles by using
this option (default: none)
Type of instance to launch (default: c4.4xlarge).
WARNING: must be 64-bit; small instances won't work in
Master instance type (leave empty for same as
-r REGION, --region=REGION
EC2 region used to launch instances in, or to find
them in (default: us-east-1)
-z ZONE, --zone=ZONE Availability zone to launch instances in, or 'all' to
spread slaves across multiple (an additional $0.01/Gb
for bandwidthbetween zones applies) (default: us-east-
-a AMI, --ami=AMI Amazon Machine Image ID to use
-D [ADDRESS:]PORT Use SSH dynamic port forwarding to create a SOCKS
proxy at the given local address (for use with login)
--resume Resume installation on a previously launched cluster
(for debugging)
--ebs-vol-size=SIZE Size (in GB) of each EBS volume.
EBS volume type (e.g. 'gp2', 'standard').
Number of EBS volumes to attach to each node as
/vol[x]. The volumes will be deleted when the
instances terminate. Only possible on EBS-backed AMIs.
EBS volumes are only attached if --ebs-vol-size > 0.
Only support up to 8 EBS volumes.
Which placement group to try and launch instances
into. Assumes placement group is already created.
--spot-price=PRICE If specified, launch slaves as spot instances with the
given maximum price (in dollars) (default: 1.0)
--delete-groups When destroying a cluster, delete the security groups
that were created
Launch fresh slaves, but use an existing stopped
master if possible
Path to a user-data file (most AMIs interpret this as
an initialization script)
Address to authorize on created security groups
Additional security group to place the machines in
Additional tags to set on the machines; tags are
comma-separated, while name and value are colon
separated; ex: "Course:advcc,Project:yarn"
VPC subnet to launch instances in
--vpc-id=VPC_ID VPC to launch instances in
Num of secondary private ip addresses to assign for
each cluster node
--private-ips Use private IPs for instances rather than public if
VPC/subnet requires that.
Whether instances should terminate when shut down or
just stop
IAM profile name to launch instances under