Welcome to my Data Science Portfolio. Here, you'll find a curated collection of projects that showcase my skills and experiences in data science.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis: An analysis of sentiments in tweets using advanced natural language processing and machine learning techniques.
- Tools: Python, Pandas, NLTK, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib.
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CO2 Emissions and Global Power Dynamics: A narrative study on how CO2 emissions have mirrored geopolitical power throughout history.
- Tools: Python, Flourish, Data Analysis.
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- Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript.
- Data Analysis and Visualization: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Flourish.
- Version Control: Git.
If you have any questions about my projects or would like to collaborate, feel free to reach out.
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergio-cobos-16b01b274/
- GitHub: https://github.com/CobosDS