The participants are required to fork this repository and create a public Github repository under their own username (Single repository per team). The following created sections in this need to be duly filled, highlighting the denoted points for the solution/implementation. Please feel free to create further sub-sections in this markdown, the idea is to understand the gist of the components in a singular document.
A brief description of
- What problem did the team try to solve The website is mainly focussed on fufilling all the requirements of the TRAINING AND PLACEMENT department in a college.
- What is the proposed solution The website contains all the information related to companies,divided in 3 parts :previous,upcoming and ongoing alongwith their description.There is a database which would be constantly updated by an admin(only he or she would have the access to the database) with the company names,the start and end date of their palcement drive in the college.
The website has a homepage which contains the following tabs: 1. HOME 2. COMPANIES (conatins the description of all the companies) 3. LOGIN(for admin login) 4. DROP-DOWN MENU (Containing Upcoming, Ongoing and Previous Companies)
After the admin has logged in,he or she would be taken to a page which has 3 buttons: 1. Upcoming Companies 2. Ongoing Companies 3. Previous Companies
On clicking a button say 'UPCOMING',the admin can update the 'UPCOMING COMPANIES' database.
Affix an image of the flow diagram/architecture diagram of the solution
An overview of
What technologies/versions were used Text Editor - Sublime Text 3 Backend - xampp
1.html 2.css 3.bootstrap 4.php 5.mySQL
Setup/Installations required to run the solution 1.XAMPP 2.CHROME browser
Instructions to run the submitted code
- The code folder (i.e. within "Application Code" folder) must be placed in the "htdocs" folder with "xampp" folder
- To load the "home" page use "localhost/code/home.html"
- 4 Databases must be created in order to use the login and database features:
- for login page containg two attributes database name - record table name - user - email - password
- for Ongoing Companies | Upcoming Companies | Prevoius Companies Entry Form database name - ongoing | upcoming | previous table name - companies - c_id - start_date - end_date - company_name
List of team member names and email IDs with their contributions 1.Ayushi Prasad | email - [email protected] | contribution - Backend 2.Ayushi | email - [email protected] | contribution - Frontend 3.Swagat Panda | email - [email protected] | contribution - Fontend