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heisenberg mpo
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GiggleLiu committed May 19, 2024
1 parent e81d776 commit cdf67bc
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Showing 10 changed files with 636 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LinearOperators = "5c8ed15e-5a4c-59e4-a42b-c7e8811fb125"
LuxorGraphPlot = "1f49bdf2-22a7-4bc4-978b-948dc219fbbc"
OMEinsum = "ebe7aa44-baf0-506c-a96f-8464559b3922"
Yao = "5872b779-8223-5990-8dd0-5abbb0748c8c"

KrylovKit = "0.7"
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Module for optimizing an infinite MPS using the VUMPS algorithm.
by Glen Evenbly (c) for, (v1.0) - last modified 07/2020

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from ncon import ncon
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, eigsh, gmres
from scipy.linalg import polar
from typing import List, Optional

def doVUMPS(AL: np.ndarray,
C: np.ndarray,
AR: np.ndarray,
h0: np.ndarray,
HL: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
HR: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
m: Optional[int] = None,
update_mode: Optional[str] = 'polar',
num_iter: Optional[int] = 1000,
ev_tol: Optional[float] = 1e-12,
en_exact: Optional[float] = 0.0):
Implementation the VUMPS algorithm to optimize an infinite MPS with a 1-site
unit cell.
AL: the rank-3 MPS tensor in the left orthogonal gauge.
C: vector of the singular weights of the MPS.
AR: the rank-3 MPS tensor in the right orthogonal gauge.
h0: two-site Hamiltonian coupling.
HL: the left block Hamiltonian (if previously computed).
HR: the right block Hamiltonian (if previously computed).
m: the MPS bond dimension. If the input MPS tensors are of smaller
dimension, then they will be exapnded to match `m`.
update_mode: set updates via 'polar' decomposition (more stable) of the
'svd' (less stable).
num_iter: number of iterations to perform.
ev_tol: tolerance for convergence of eighs.
en_exact: the exact energy (if known).
np.ndarray: MPS tensor AL
np.ndarray: MPS singular weights C
np.ndarray: MPS tensor AR
np.ndarray: block Hamiltonian HL
np.ndarray: block Hamiltonian HR

# Initialise tensors
d = h0.shape[0]
h = h0.copy()
if HL is None:
HL = np.zeros([m, m])
if HR is None:
HR = np.zeros([m, m])

if m is None:
m = AL.shape[2]
if m > AL.shape[2]:
# Expand tensors to new dimension
AL = Orthogonalize(TensorExpand(AL, [m, d, m]), 2)
C = TensorExpand(C, [m])
AR = Orthogonalize(TensorExpand(AR, [m, d, m]), 2)
HL = TensorExpand(HL, [m, m])
HR = TensorExpand(HR, [m, m])
AC = ncon([AL, np.diag(C)], [[-1, -2, 1], [1, -3]])

# Begin variational update iterations
for p in range(num_iter):
""" Evaluate the energy """
tensors = [AL, AL, h0, AL.conj(), AL.conj()]
connects = [[7, 1, 6], [6, 2, -1], [3, 4, 1, 2], [7, 3, 5], [5, 4, -2]]
con_order = [7, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 4]
hL0 = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order)
energyL = np.trace(np.diag(C**2) @ hL0)

tensors = [AR, AR, h0, AR.conj(), AR.conj()]
connects = [[6, 4, 1], [1, 3, -1], [5, 7, 3, 4], [6, 7, 2], [2, 5, -2]]
con_order = [6, 4, 7, 1, 3, 2, 5]
hR0 = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order)
energyR = np.trace(np.diag(C**2) @ hR0)

energy = 0.25 * (energyL + energyR)
en_error = energy - en_exact
print('iteration: %d of %d, dim: %d, energy: %4.4f, '
'en-error: %2.2e' % (p, num_iter, m, energy, en_error))

""" Contract the MPS from the left """
# Shift left edge Hamiltonian terms to set energy to zero
tensors = [AL, AL, h, AL.conj(), AL.conj()]
connects = [[7, 1, 6], [6, 2, -1], [3, 4, 1, 2], [7, 3, 5], [5, 4, -2]]
con_order = [7, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 4]
hL = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order)

en_density =, C**2)
hL -= en_density * np.eye(m)
h -= en_density * np.eye(d**2).reshape(d, d, d, d)
HL -=, C**2) * np.eye(m)

# Solve left edge Hamiltonian eigenvector
def LeftEdge(HL):
m = AL.shape[0]
d = AL.shape[1]
HL_T = AL.reshape(m * d, m).T @ (HL.reshape(m, m) @ AL.reshape(m, d * m)
).reshape(m * d, m)
return HL.flatten() - HL_T.flatten()
LeftOp = LinearOperator((m**2, m**2), matvec=LeftEdge, dtype=np.float64)
HL_temp, is_conv = gmres(LeftOp, hL.flatten(), x0=HL.flatten(), tol=1e-10,
restart=None, maxiter=5, atol=None)
HL_temp = HL_temp.reshape(m, m)
HL = 0.5 * (HL_temp + HL_temp.T)

""" Contract the MPS from the right """
# Shift right edge Hamiltonian terms to set energy to zero
tensors = [AR, AR, h, AR.conj(), AR.conj()]
connects = [[6, 4, 1], [1, 3, -1], [5, 7, 3, 4], [6, 7, 2], [2, 5, -2]]
con_order = [6, 4, 7, 1, 3, 2, 5]
hR = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order)
en_density =, C**2)

hR -= en_density * np.eye(m)
h -=, C**2) * np.eye(d**2).reshape(d, d, d, d)
HR -=, C**2) * np.eye(m)

# Solve right edge Hamiltonian eigenvector
def RightEdge(HR):
m = AR.shape[0]
d = AR.shape[1]
HR_T = AR.reshape(m * d, m).T @ (HR.reshape(m, m) @ AR.reshape(m, d * m)
).reshape(m * d, m)
return HR.flatten() - HR_T.flatten()
RightOp = LinearOperator((m**2, m**2), matvec=RightEdge, dtype=np.float64)
HR_temp, is_conv = gmres(RightOp, hR.flatten(), x0=HR.flatten(), tol=1e-10,
restart=None, maxiter=5, atol=None)
HR_temp = HR_temp.reshape(m, m)
HR = 0.5 * (HR_temp + HR_temp.T)

""" Update the MPS singular values """
# define function for applying the block Hamiltonian
def MidWeights(C_mat):
m = AL.shape[2]
C_mat = C_mat.reshape(m, m)
tensors = [AL, h, AL.conj(), AR, AR.conj(), C_mat]
connects = [[3, 1, 8], [2, 7, 1, 5], [3, 2, -1], [6, 5, 4], [6, 7, -2],
[8, 4]]
con_order = [4, 8, 1, 5, 6, 7, 3, 2]
return (ncon(tensors, connects, con_order) + (HL @ C_mat) +
(C_mat @ HR)).flatten()

WeightOp = LinearOperator((m**2, m**2), matvec=MidWeights, dtype=np.float64)
C_temp = eigsh(WeightOp, k=1, which='SA', v0=np.diag(C).flatten(),
ncv=None, maxiter=None, tol=ev_tol)[1]

# Change to diagonal gauge
ut, C, vt = LA.svd(C_temp.reshape(m, m))
AL = ncon([ut.T, AL, ut], [[-1, 1], [1, -2, 2], [2, -3]])
AR = ncon([vt, AR, vt.T], [[-1, 1], [1, -2, 2], [2, -3]])
HL = ut.T @ HL @ ut
HR = vt @ HR @ vt.T

# Contract left/middle Hamiltonian term
tensors = [AL, h0, AL.conj()]
connects = [[3, 1, -1], [2, -4, 1, -2], [3, 2, -3]]
con_order = [2, 3, 1]
hL_mid = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order).reshape(d * m, d * m)

# Contract right/middle Hamiltonian term
tensors = [AR, h0, AR.conj()]
connects = [[2, 1, -2], [-3, 3, -1, 1], [2, 3, -4]]
con_order = [2, 1, 3]
hR_mid = ncon(tensors, connects, con_order).reshape(d * m, d * m)

""" Update the MPS tensors """
# define function for applying the block Hamiltonian
def MidTensor(AC):
m = AL.shape[2]
d = AL.shape[1]
return ((HL @ AC.reshape(m, d * m)).flatten() +
(hL_mid.reshape(m * d, m * d) @ AC.reshape(m * d, m)).flatten() +
(AC.reshape(m * d, m) @ HR).flatten() +
(AC.reshape(m, d * m) @ hR_mid.reshape(d * m, d * m)).flatten())

TensorOp = LinearOperator((d * m**2, d * m**2),
matvec=MidTensor, dtype=np.float64)
AC = (eigsh(TensorOp, k=1, which='SA', v0=AC.flatten(),
ncv=None, maxiter=None, tol=ev_tol)[1]).reshape(m, d, m)

if update_mode == 'polar':
AL = (polar(AC.reshape(m * d, m))[0]).reshape(m, d, m)
AR = (polar(AC.reshape(m, d * m), side='left')[0]
).reshape(m, d, m).transpose(2, 1, 0)
elif update_mode == 'svd':
ut, _, vt = LA.svd(AC.reshape(m * d, m) @ np.diag(C), full_matrices=False)
AL = (ut @ vt).reshape(m, d, m)
ut, _, vt = LA.svd(np.diag(C) @ AC.reshape(m, d * m), full_matrices=False)
AR = (ut @ vt).reshape(m, d, m).transpose(2, 1, 0)

return AL, C, AR, HL, HR

def TensorExpand(A: np.ndarray, chivec: List):
""" expand tensor dimension by padding with zeros """

if [*A.shape] == chivec:
return A
for k in range(len(chivec)):
if A.shape[k] != chivec[k]:
indloc = list(range(-1, -len(chivec) - 1, -1))
indloc[k] = 1
A = ncon([A, np.eye(A.shape[k], chivec[k])], [indloc, [1, -k - 1]])

return A

def Orthogonalize(A: np.ndarray, pivot: int):
""" orthogonalize an array with respect to a pivot """

A_sh = A.shape
ut, st, vht = LA.svd(
return (ut @ vht).reshape(A_sh)

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