Referral cabinet. Using for get the referral link, watching and withdrawing revenue
You must have installed PostgreSQL on your server
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create .env file in the root folder with content the same as in .env.example (copy & rename)
Fill values in .env file (db user, db password etc.)
Create required db structure:
npm run createtables
Fill nessesary values in recently created table common_data:
INSERT INTO common_data (key, value) VALUES ('referral_public_key', '0xyourcoinaddress'), ('referral_private_key', 0xyourprivatekey);
Run tour app:
npm start
Default port is 3055, you can specify another port in command:
npm start 3034
Supposed the cross-origin headers made on server and now not applied in this source code.
- Links:
{API_URL}api/getlinksbyowner/{id}, id - ERC20 address
Responce body :
[{ address : string, // '0x....' link_key : string // link id, value_primary : number, value_secondary : number, }]
- User data:
{API_URL}api/getownerdata/{id}, id - ERC20 address
Responce body : { links : array (usually one element), refCount: number, balanceScheduled: number, balanceAvailable: number }
- Create link :
{API_URL}api, body: { action: "CreateLink", owner: '0x123123123123123123123123123123', // ERC20 address reward1 : 90, reward2: 10 // reward1, reward2 - not nessesary but must be not larger than 100 summary if exists }
Displaying only one link per address
- Register referral
{API_URL}api, body: { action: "RegisterReferral", client: '0x123123123123123123123123123123', // ERC20 address, must not be a link's owner link: 'fdlfk3lklk45kl4l3' // Referral link id }
- Withdraw:
{API_URL}api/withdraw, body: { address: '0x123123123123123123123123123123', // Link's owner signature: '0x123123123123123123123123123123123123123123', // Row of signed message by owner< wessage: withdraw_{timestamp} /* timestamp - 1st second of current hour */ }