added: elasticsearch export change for last editor access
added: menu item preparation is now hookable
added: registering static menu items can be targeted to a specific menu
changed: now using elgg-plugin and bootstrap class for plugin init
changed: out of date message now uses elgg_view_message
changed: set minimal requirement to Elgg 3.0
changed: use core views for entity icon upload
fix: use correct search entity view
fixed: comment notifications to last editor
fixed: correctly handle exceptions from gatekeepers
fixed: deprecated notice about group tool
fixed: EntityTools support
fixed: filter menu has wrong tabs
fixed: getLastEditor ordering
fixed: incorrect forwarding after deleting static page
fixed: out-of-date double filter menus
fixed: permissions for moderators during deletion
fixed: revision listing. newest first
fixed: static menu js generalized
removed: custom view for newsletter embedding
removed: no longer able to reorder root pages
removed: old upgrade/migration jobs
removed: unused css rule
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