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Comfy Spicetify

Stay comfy while listening to music

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✅ Recommended

  • 🔥 Spicetify: 2.38.5
  • 🟢 Spotify: 1.2.51

  • 📥 Automatic Installation

    Windows -> PowerShell:

    iwr -useb | iex

    macOS and Linux -> Bash:

    curl -fsSL | sh

    📥 Manual Installation

    Downloading Comfy.

    CD into your Themes folder in .spicetify and run :

    git clone

    Rename the folder to Comfy and run these commands to apply :

    spicetify config current_theme Comfy
    spicetify config color_scheme <option>
    spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1 inject_theme_js 1
    spicetify apply

    choosing color_scheme

    To choose the perfect color for your setup you can look at images here! The color schemes with folders like here ussually means you need to combine

    {folder_name}-{file_name} you can find all available color_schemes in the colot.ini file.

    spicetify config color_scheme rose-pine-moon

    ⚠️️ Warning

    The theme automatically updates for users using the version of Spicetify equals or greater than 2.8.2, however, for the users that don't want to update Spicetify to the newest version:

    1. Go here
    2. Copy the whole code (sorry for the flashbang)
    3. Go into the Spicetify/themes/Comfy folder.
    4. Open the theme.js file, paste the code and save it
    5. Afterwards, in a terminal, run spicetify apply
    6. Enjoy !

    For the users that don't want to update Spicetify to the newest version, do the same with this and paste it in the user.css replacing the @import.

    🖌️ Customization

    Go into your theme folder and open either :

    color.ini for the colors

    user.css for styling

    theme.js for settings

    ♥ Donation Guide

    Thinking of donating? Please consider what you value most when deciding who to donate to: