A data education initiative of the Commerce Data Service
The Commerce Data Academy was launched by the Commerce Data Service to offer data science, data engineering, and web development training to employees of the US Department of Commerce. This repository contains the 2016 course schedule as well as course materials (e.g. slides, code, papers) produced for the Commerce Data Academy.
If you are a Commerce employee and have questions about this new data education initiative, feel free to write us at Data Academy.
Note Please note that in order to view the archived WebEx recordings (.arf) format, you will need to install the appropriate network recording player for your operating system.
- You will be able to find links to the course materials in the CourseMaterialsLinks.md file
- You can also look in the respective folder and find links to the materials there as well
- Bootstrap 3.3 - http://getbootstrap.com/
- IT Worker - Responsive Template http://it-worker.ondrejsvestka.cz/
Plugins used in the template
- Owl Carousel (http://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/)
- animate.css (http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
- Modernizr (http://modernizr.com/)
- jQuery scrollTo (http://demos.flesler.com/jquery/scrollTo/)
- jQuery Parallax (http://ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax)
- Masonry(http://masonry.desandro.com/)