- s1e1 Nonviolent Communication & Spiral Dynamics
- s1e2 Theories of conflict Antifragility & Conflict Management
- s1e3 BATNA Negotiations & Alternative Dispute Resolution
- s1e4 Negotiation Role Play
- s1e5 Soft Governance & Culture - Ostroms principles
- s1e6 Gravitons in Community Management, Conduct & Requirements
- s1e7 Gravity-process-deep-dive
- s1e8 Practice case (group conflicts)
- TECommonsForum
- Youtube Playlist
- Google Slides
This short course aims to make people in the TEC understand the cultural principles to reproduce in the community and provide capacitation around non violent communication, understanding of conflicts and techniques to manage it (internally, individually and collectively), with the purpose of promoting trust into our shared rules and boundaries.
a) NVC Summary (M. Rosenberg)
b) (video) Oren Jay Sofer. Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication
c) Using Spiral Dynamics to understand development
d) Integral Dynamics, A new integration of Wilber’s Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics
e) (video) My stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor
- How does NVC help to build trust and prevent conflicts?
- What is Spiral Dynamics and how does it understand development?
- What is the difference between separated and unified thinking?
- J. Paul Lederach, Little Book of Conflict Transformation
- Lederach Summary
- Taleb, Antifragile. Things that gain from disorder
- (Video) Antifragile
- Conflict management and peacebuilding in everyday life
- Galtung, Conflict transformation by peaceful means
- (Español) Qué son los conflictos
- What is a conflict transformation platform according to J. P. Lederach?
- What are the key points of the transcend method as proposed by J. Galtung?
- What is the property of antifragility according to N. Taleb
a) The future of ADR in 2020
b) What is a BATNA?
c) Five ways to keep disputes out of court
d) Rahman, Mediation and mediator skills: a critical appraisal
e) Restorative Justice circles (University of Michigan)
f) (video) W. Ury, Getting to Yes in Challenging Times
g) (Español) Sistemas alternativos de resolución de conflictos: negociación, conciliación, mediación, arbitraje, en el ámbito civil y mercantil
- What is the difference between BATNA, negotiation, mediation, conciliation & arbitrage
- What are the main steps of a mediation process, what are some the ethical standards of a mediator?
- What does the formula “Balcony, Bridge, Third Part” mean?
a) Understanding the impact of role plays & simulations for conflict management
b) How exercises, cases and coaching can make you a better negotiator
c) Make the most of online negotiations
a) TEC Cultural build: soft Gov Miro (collaborative whiteboard platform for distributed teams)
b) Rebuilding Companies as Communities
c) Ostrom, Governing the Commons
d) Ostrom Summary
e) (Español) Ostrom Resumen
- What is the importance of having a strong cultural build in DAOs
- What are the similarities between CPRs and DAOs
- What are some of the principles for enduring CPR institutions, according to E. Ostrom
Gravitons participation in Community management -> focus in the last two sessions is to understand that the purpose of gravity (and gravitons) is to bring us together.
- TEC Code of Conduct
- Gravity Forum Posts
- Mechanisms to request Gravity conflict management
- Gravity group registry spreadsheet
a) Gravity initial document
b) Graduated sanctions -> Soft Gov Miro board
c) Gravity Wg call notes
d) Forms for conciliation process/agreement - Apendix E : from page 88/131