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Building on Summit

Ying Wai Li edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

How to build DCA++ on ORNL's Summit supercomputer

  1. Clone the DCA++ repository to obtain the latest version of the master branch:

     $ git clone dca_source
  2. Load all required modules:

     $ source dca_source/build-aux/
  3. Create a clean build directory and change to it:

     $ mkdir build_summit && cd build_summit
  4. Use CMake to configure the build and generate the build files:

     $ cmake -C ../dca_source/build-aux/summit.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../dca_source

    Note that setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release adds compiler optimization flags that we want for production builds.

  5. Compile the applications:

     $ make -j 16