This repo aims to provide a simple way to setup a raspberry pi in order to welcome the connecktail project.
It includes :
- The deployment of an access point
- The installation of Docker & docker compose
- The installation of C libraries :
- The libcJSON library
- The libgtk3.0 library
- The libws library
- The libpq library
- The libcurl library
- The deployment of the database
You have at your disposal, 2 choices : a manual installation or an automatic installation.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Go to the repo
cd setup
- You now have to go to each directory (except the deployment one)and run
- Go the deployment directory and create a file named .env where you will put the following variables depending on your environment:
DB_USER=user DB_PASSWORD=user DB_NAME=database
(you can see that example in the .env.example file) 5. You can now deploy the database with the following command
docker compose up -d
To setup the raspberry, you have just to run
script. It will ask you some questions about credentials and then it will install everything for you.