#Coolest projects IOS app for the 17/06/2017 requirements:
-A mac
if you have ruby installed on your system skip to step 3
step 1:
insatll homebrew by pasting "/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"" into terminal
step 2:
install ruby by pasting "brew install ruby" into terminal
step 3:
press cd and drag the CoolestProjects folder in the ios-master folder into terminal...press enter in terminal
step 4:
paste "pod install" into terminal and wait for process to complete
step 5:
when process is completed close terminal and open the "CoolestProjects.xcworkspace" file in the ios-master/CoolestProjects/CoolestProjects.xcworkspace Directory
step 6:
Run The App..........