This Repo will store the solution for CS50 problem sets.
For easy aproach : try to use Applaince , the recommended Environment for developing at this Course
Link : https://manual.cs50.net/appliance/19/
Other : You have to installl CS50 library into your working directory : https://manual.cs50.net/CS50_Library
And using IDE Like CodeBlocks
At Appliance i am using clang compiler which used in xcode IDE at Mac.
How to Compile ?
Type at command line: (~): clang "Programname.extention(c/c++)" -o "exe_filename" -lcs50
As we see above :
-"Programname.extention(c/c++)"-> just replace it with your program like "mario.c" but with out double qoutes!
"-o exe_filename as you want": what you like to see after compilation process in case you didn't type "-o exe_filename" the compiler will out something like "a.out" but in case you typed "-o mario" without qoutes You will see "mario" in green color
"-lcs50" just tell the linker to link CS50 library to our code to give us ability to incluce "cs50.h" in program and use great feature of GetString()! Incase You are using gcc compiler , Totaly Similar!
For more help Type at comand line:
(~): clang --help
Please, If you are studying CS50 Nowadays ,Try To solve Problem Sets on Yourself, The more You have Honesty , The more You Will get experience!
This is a Quick wrap up of what's going on!
This is my Certification link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/up1sf6jn81wvfg8/Harvardx%20Certificate.pdf.