In this example you will learn:
How to write a pod definition in Kubernetes.
How to expose the pod by writing a service
Why writing a pod directly is a bad idea and how Replicaset solves it
Drawbacks of Replicaset
How Deployment solves issue with replicaset
Docker commands to build image of the application:
docker build -t webserver-image:v1 .
docker images
docker run -d -p 80:80 webserver-image:v1
Make sure the main file is named index.html
Have the game in folder Create Dockerfile Create image Deploy the image in a pod Write Deployment yaml Deploy in gcloud
Steps to create docker image and push it to registry:
docker login
docker build -t "game:v0" .
docker images
docker tag game:v0 emailtovamos/game-repo
docker push emailtovamos/game-repo
Ensure you have VirtualBox running and the current-context of kubectl is set to be minikube:
minikube start
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context minikube
Run the yaml files:
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment1.yaml
A test might be to check if setting a highscore gets reflected while you try to get the highscore. CircleCI can be included with this test. Also to deploy to Google Cloud.
Make the game harder by making shapes smaller if a user plays well. These decisions can be made in another service running on Go backend. There can be gRPC connections between this service, the highscore service and the BFF service.