Extract the table of contents from a markdown file with an easy to use command line tool written in Python.
pip install extracttoc
usage: extracttoc [-h] [-s] [-c] [-i] [-l LIMIT] file
Extracts the table of contents from a markdown file.
positional arguments:
file Provide a markdown file from which to extract the toc.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --save Write the TOC to a md file. File name will be: {input-file-name}-toc.md
-c, --copy Copy the TOC to your clipboard
-i, --insert Insert the TOC directly into the file in front of the first line.
-l LIMIT, --levels LIMIT
Set the number of levels which will be included in the TOC.
> extracttoc myfile.md # displays the TOC
> extracttoc -c myfile.md # display & copy TOC to clipboard
> extracttoc -l 2 myfile.md # limit TOC to header level 2
> extracttoc -l 2 -s myfile.md # limit TOC to lvl 2 & write to separate file