A simple, self-hosted Github Actions runner, as a Docker container.
Run the following (or similar) command, optionally specifying the desired github runner version / platform / architecture that will be installed (if ommited, will default to 2.308.0 / linux / x64):
docker build --build-arg RUNNER_VERSION=2.308.0 --build-arg RUNNER_PLATFORM=linux --build-arg RUNNER_ARCH=arm64 --tag my-gh-actions-runner-image .
docker run -e GH_TOKEN='myPatToken' -e GH_OWNER='myOrganizationOrUserName' -e GH_REPOSITORY='myRepoName' -d my-gh-actions-runner-image
You need to create a personal access token for the runner, with the minimum permission scopes "repo" and "read:org".