fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies #1017
10 errors and 1 warning
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > create a character and check > check if a character exists:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: HTTP request failed.
Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000041d6df37a001a992fd22966323450da3d7df31a1","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}
Raw Call Arguments:
to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
data: 0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000041d6df37a001a992fd22966323450da3d7df31a1
Contract Call:
address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
function: getPrimaryCharacterId(address account)
args: (0x41d6Df37a001A992fd22966323450DA3D7Df31a1)
Details: fetch failed
Version: [email protected]
❯ getContractError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:136:11
❯ CharacterContract.existsForAddress src/contract/subcontracts/character.ts:605:23
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:42:29
Serialized Error: { details: 'fetch failed', docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'URL:', 'Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000041d6df37a001a992fd22966323450da3d7df31a1","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}', ' ', 'Raw Call Arguments:', ' to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n data: 0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000041d6df37a001a992fd22966323450da3d7df31a1', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n function: getPrimaryCharacterId(address account)\n args: (0x41d6Df37a001A992fd22966323450DA3D7Df31a1)' ], shortMessage: 'HTTP request failed.', version: '2.21.42', abi: [ { inputs: [ { name: 'characterId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'ErrCharacterNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleContainsInvalidCharacters', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleLengthInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotCharacterOwner', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermission', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermissionForThisNote', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteIsDeleted', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteLocked', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureExpired', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSocialTokenExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrTokenNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'approved', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Approval', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, { indexed: false, name: 'approved', type: 'bool' } ], name: 'ApprovalForAll', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: false, name: 'version', type: 'uint8' } ], name: 'Initialized', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'from', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Transfer', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'approve', outputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'owner', type: 'address' } ], name: 'balanceOf', outputs: [ { name: '', type: 'uint256' } ], stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'burn', outputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'linklistId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'burnLinklist', output
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > create a character and check > getCharacter:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:89:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > create a character and check > getCharacterByHandle:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: HTTP request failed.
Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x9a50248d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a612d72616e646f6d2d68616e646c652d35673032656f6f333676000000000000","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}
Raw Call Arguments:
to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
data: 0x9a50248d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a612d72616e646f6d2d68616e646c652d35673032656f6f333676000000000000
Contract Call:
address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
function: getCharacterByHandle(string handle)
args: (a-random-handle-5g02eoo36v)
Details: fetch failed
Version: [email protected]
❯ getContractError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:136:11
❯ CharacterContract.getByHandle src/contract/subcontracts/character.ts:456:21
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:98:21
Serialized Error: { details: 'fetch failed', docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'URL:', 'Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x9a50248d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a612d72616e646f6d2d68616e646c652d35673032656f6f333676000000000000","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}', ' ', 'Raw Call Arguments:', ' to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n data: 0x9a50248d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a612d72616e646f6d2d68616e646c652d35673032656f6f333676000000000000', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n function: getCharacterByHandle(string handle)\n args: (a-random-handle-5g02eoo36v)' ], shortMessage: 'HTTP request failed.', version: '2.21.42', abi: [ { inputs: [ { name: 'characterId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'ErrCharacterNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleContainsInvalidCharacters', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleLengthInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotCharacterOwner', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermission', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermissionForThisNote', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteIsDeleted', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteLocked', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureExpired', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSocialTokenExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrTokenNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'approved', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Approval', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, { indexed: false, name: 'approved', type: 'bool' } ], name: 'ApprovalForAll', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: false, name: 'version', type: 'uint8' } ], name: 'Initialized', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'from', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Transfer', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'tokenId', type:
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > create a character and check > getHandle:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:107:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > create a character and check > getCharacterMetadataUri:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:115:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > change a character and check > setPrimaryCharacter:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:125:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > change a character and check > getPrimaryCharacter:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: HTTP request failed.
Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000000000081d48ba02daa6c13d55c2916ad0570b652","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}
Raw Call Arguments:
to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
data: 0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000000000081d48ba02daa6c13d55c2916ad0570b652
Contract Call:
address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8
function: getPrimaryCharacterId(address account)
args: (***)
Details: fetch failed
Version: [email protected]
❯ getContractError node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:136:11
❯ CharacterContract.getPrimaryId src/contract/subcontracts/character.ts:402:23
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:130:21
Serialized Error: { details: 'fetch failed', docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'URL:', 'Request body: {"method":"eth_call","params":[{"data":"0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000000000081d48ba02daa6c13d55c2916ad0570b652","to":"0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8"},"latest"]}', ' ', 'Raw Call Arguments:', ' to: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n data: 0x2abc6bf600000000000000000000000000000081d48ba02daa6c13d55c2916ad0570b652', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0xa6f969045641Cf486a747A2688F3a5A6d43cd0D8\n function: getPrimaryCharacterId(address account)\n args: (***)' ], shortMessage: 'HTTP request failed.', version: '2.21.42', abi: [ { inputs: [ { name: 'characterId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'ErrCharacterNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleContainsInvalidCharacters', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrHandleLengthInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotCharacterOwner', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermission', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNotEnoughPermissionForThisNote', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteIsDeleted', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteLocked', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrNoteNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureExpired', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSignatureInvalid', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrSocialTokenExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [], name: 'ErrTokenNotExists', type: 'error' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'approved', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Approval', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'owner', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'operator', type: 'address' }, { indexed: false, name: 'approved', type: 'bool' } ], name: 'ApprovalForAll', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: false, name: 'version', type: 'uint8' } ], name: 'Initialized', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { indexed: true, name: 'from', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { indexed: true, name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'Transfer', type: 'event' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'approve', outputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'owner', type: 'address' } ], name: 'balanceOf', outputs: [ { name: '', type: 'uint256' } ], stateMutability: 'view', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'burn', outputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { name: 'linklistId', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'burnLinklist', outputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' }, { inputs: [ { component
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > change a character and check > isPrimaryCharacterId:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:137:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > change a character and check > setHandle:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:145:28
test/contracts/character.test.ts > character > change a character and check > getHandle - after changed:
Error: characterId is null
❯ test/contracts/character.test.ts:153:28
test (ubuntu-latest, 20.x)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: pnpm/action-setup@v2, actions/setup-node@v3. For more info: