The react library project is a sample library created using ReactJS. It fetches the Inventory data by taking the device id as an input and displays the same in UI. It also updates the device name by taking an input from the user. This widget library can be used in react and angular applications.
Serial No. | Scenario | Instruction Link |
1 | If you want to directly use the react widget library in cumulocity | Click here |
2 | If you want to directly use the react widget library in a react app | Click here |
3 | If you want to extend/modify this widget library and use it in your application | Click here |
4 | If you want to create the custom react library from scratch | Click here |
Follow the instructions to create a react app here
After creating a react app, if you have npm account, you need to install the react library package into your project. Run the below command to do the same.
npm i sample-react-library-widget
If you do not have npm account, then download the binary file from the download icon above and place it under any folder(example: binary) in your react app. Install this binary file in your project.
npm i ./path/binary-file-name Example: npm i ./binary/sample-react-library-1.0.0.tgz
We need to add a block of code in App.tsx file to authenticate the user on cumulocity platform so that our library can consume inventory apis.
import { BasicAuth, Client } from "@c8y/client"; import { FetchDeviceDetails } from "sample-react-library-widget/lib"; function App() { const auth = new BasicAuth({ user: 'username', password: 'password', tenant: 'tenantId' }); const client = new Client(auth, 'tenantUrl'); client.setAuth(auth); const fetchClient = client.core; return ( <div> <FetchDeviceDetails fetchClient = {fetchClient} id={'deviceId'}></FetchDeviceDetails> </div> ); } export default App;
Run the below command to see the installed react widget library.
npm run start
NOTE: The fetchClient and device id will be passed as an input from react app into the react widget library as below: <React-Library-Name fetchClient = {fetchClient} id={'deviceId'}>
- Git
- NodeJS (release builds are currently built with
) - NPM(Included with NodeJS)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change the directory:
cd cumulocity-sample-react-library
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Modify the code according to your use case.
- If you have an account on npm, You can publish the react library with the below steps.
- Add a build script in package.json file.
"scripts": { "build": "tsc -p ." }
- Run the below command to create a build.
npm run build
- Run the below command and enter your npm account credentials.
npm publish
- Add a build script in package.json file.
- If you do not want to publish your library on npm , you can create .tgz file with below steps.
- Add a build script in package.json file.
"scripts": { "build": "tsc -p . && copy package.json lib && cd ./lib && npm pack" }
- Run the below command and a .tgz file will be created in 'lib' folder.
All the generated assets will be put into lib folder and a .tgz file will be created.
npm run build
- Add a build script in package.json file.
Note: Till this point you have created a react widget library. You can now install it in your react app by following the below instructions.
- If you have an account on npm, You can publish the react library with the below steps.
Follow the steps to create a react app from here.
Follow the steps to install the react library you just developed in your react app here
After you have installed the react widget library in your react app, add the code and modify according to the requirement of the library you just developed here .
Create a folder with any name of your choice.
(example: react-library)
Navigate inside the folder and initialise a new package.json with default options.
npm init -y
As we have to use typescript, react and types in react component, we will install them as a dev dependencies.
npm i typescript -D
npm i react @types/react -D
You will see the following entries in package.json file.
"devDependencies": { "@types/react": "^17.0.19", react": "^17.0.2", "typescript": "^4.4.4" }
NOTE: We install react, typescript and types as dev dependency because we do not want to fix a particular version of them for consumer of our package.
Install typescript compiler to initialise a new tsconfig file.
npx tsc --init
In tsconfig file, we will enable: declaration,declarationMap, sourceMap,outDir: "lib" and jsx: "react". "compilerOptions": { "jsx": "react", "target": "ES2015", }
declaration:To publish build version of our project declarationMap:To navigate from d.ts file to ts file sourceMap:To observe our ts file from js file. outDir:To generate our output declaration,declarationMap,sourceMap file in lib folder. jsx: point it to react to enable react support within typescript
Since we are using typescript, we will add "types" in package.json that will point to "lib" folder.
"name": "react-library", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A react library which fetches the device details of a particular device id. It also updates the device name by taking an input from the user.", "main": "index.js", "types": "lib",
Add the following as peer and dev dependencies in package.json file.
"peerDependencies": { "react": ">=17.0.2", "@c8y/client": "^1009.0.19", "moment": "^2.29.1", "react-query": "^3.21.1", "styled-components": "^5.3.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/react": "^17.0.19", "react": "^17.0.2", "typescript": "^4.4.4", "@types/styled-components": "^5.1.10", "react-query": "^3.21.1", "@c8y/client": "^1009.0.19", "moment": "^2.29.1", "styled-components": "^5.3.0" },
NOTE: We add a peer dependency so that when we install a package, npm know that it has to install some version of react which is >= 17.. or so.
Create src/index.tsx file as entry point for our library.(tsx allows us to use jsx). All our input typescript code will be located in src folder.
In package.json, "main": will contain entry point of our library which in our case will be "lib/index.js".
In order to use Cumulocity Inventory Service, we need to install c8y/client in our library project.
npm i @c8y/[email protected]
In order to use react query in our library, we need Query Client.
npm i react-query
You will see the following entry in package.json file.
"dependencies": { "@c8y/client": "^1009.0.19", "react-query": "^3.21.1" }
The basic setup to start developing react widget is ready. You can develop the widget according to your use case.
After developing the react widget, build the react library and install it in your react app here.
In order to use cumulocity inventory apis, you need to pass fetchClient object to your react widget library.
Below are the examples of how you can use cumulocity inventory apis in your react widget library to fetch and update device details.
Provide id and fetchClient object as an input to react library. Add the below block of code in index.tsx file and do the necessary import.
import { FetchClient } from "@c8y/client"; import { QueryClient } from "react-query"; type Props = { fetchClient:FetchClient; id: string; } const client = new QueryClient();
Create a functional Component 'src/App.tsx' . App.tsx will receive fetchClient and device id as input. Therefore create props for the same.
import { FetchClient } from "@c8y/client"; import React from "react"; type Props = { fetchClient:FetchClient; id: string; } const App: React.FC<Props> = ({fetchClient, id}) => { return( <div> <div>This is a demo widget which fetches the device details </div> </div> ); } export default App; ```
In index.tsx, Create a functional component and pass fetchClient and device id as an input. These inputs will inturn be passed as inputs to our App functional component.
const client = new QueryClient(); export const FetchDeviceDetails : React.FC<Props> = ({fetchClient, id}) =>{ return ( <QueryClientProvider client={client}> <App fetchClient={fetchClient} id={id} ></App> </QueryClientProvider> ) }
NOTE: Wrap the App component inside QueryClientProvider to enable it to use Query Client.
In App.tsx file, create an interface of Device Item to map the device details.
export type DeviceItem = { id:string; creationTime: string; lastUpdated:string; name: string; }
In App.tsx, add the following methods to get and update device details.
Get Device Details
const inventory = new InventoryService(fetchClient); const getDeviceDetails = async (): Promise<DeviceItem> => ((await inventory.detail(id)).data) as any; const {data, refetch} = useQuery<DeviceItem>('devices', getDeviceDetails);
Update Device name
const partialUpdateObject: Partial<IManagedObject> = { id: id, name: name, }; inventory.update(partialUpdateObject).then((result) =>{ if(result.res.status == 200) { refetch(); } });
If you have published the react widget library on npm, then you can run the below command to install it in your react app.
npm i react-library-name
If you have created a .tgz file, then you can run the below command to install it in your react app.
Create a folder in your application(example: binary) and place the copied .tgz file from react library into this folder.
Run the below command to install the react widget library.
npm i ./binary/react-library-file-name. Example: npm i ./binary/sample-react-library-widget.1.0.6.tgz
This library is provided as-is and without warranty or support. They do not constitute part of the Software AG product suite. Users are free to use, fork and modify them, subject to the license agreement. While Software AG welcomes contributions, we cannot guarantee to include every contribution in the master project.