iMove (intrumented Movement) is a free and open-source biomechanics and movement analysis tool using low-budget consumer-grade devices (webcams, IMUs, phones) for clinical use, scientific research, and training.
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iMove is written in Python and uses Qt6 QML for it's responsive, tablet friendly, and cross-platform user interface. iMove stands on the shoulders of giants and employs other fantastic open-source software like FFmpeg, OpenCV, Anipose, and more.
Detect and interface with IMU sensors (here Movella DOT) using the bluetooth protocol. A plugin system to add support for other sensors is also underway.
Motion-BIDS data structure for storing the measurements.
Easily setup a multi camera capture session by assigning proper IDs to cameras, setting the camera specific supported frame rate and resolution, and configuring auto fucos, exposure, and other camera parameters.
Record calibration videos and see a preview of your calibration board live.

Recording calibration videos while receiving feedback on how much of the field of view of each camera has been covered.
Record the subject's movements across tirals and inspect the sensor movement in real time.
Reuse calibration across sessions and get a preview of the cameras that were used for the calibration along with their IDs.
Synchronize low-cost consumer-grade cameras to within 8ms of one another without any special hardware.