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This is a README file for a data repository originating from the DCML corpus initiative and serves as welcome page for both

For information on how to obtain and use the dataset, please refer to this documentation page.

Arcangelo Corelli - Trio Sonatas (A corpus of annotated scores)

This corpus of annotated MuseScore files has been created within the DCML corpus initiative and employs the DCML harmony annotation standard. It was relased together with and as part of the "workflow paper"

Hentschel, J., Moss, F. C., Neuwirth, M., & Rohrmeier, M. A. (2021). A semi-automated workflow paradigm for the distributed creation and curation of expert annotations. Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, 262–269.

The corpus comprises 36 Sonate a tre, divided into 149 separate movements. Together they make up for three of the four famous cycles of 12 trio sonatas each:

Opus Cycle Publication Included
1 12 sonate da chiesa Rome 1681 Yes
2 12 sonate da camera Rome 1685 No
3 12 sonate da chiesa Rome 1689 Yes
4 12 sonate da camera Rome 1694 Yes

Version history

See the GitHub releases.

Getting the data

With full version history

The dataset is version-controlled via git. In order to download the files with all revisions they have gone through, git needs to be installed on your machine. Then you can clone this repository using the command

git clone

Without full version history

If you are only interested in the current version of the corpus, you can simply download and unpack this ZIP file.

Data Formats

Each piece in this corpus is represented by four files with identical names, each in its own folder. For example, the first movement of the first sonata has the following files:

  • MS3/op01n01a.mscx: Uncompressed MuseScore file including the music and annotation labels.
  • notes/op01n01a.tsv: A table of all note heads contained in the score and their relevant features (not each of them represents an onset, some are tied together)
  • measures/op01n01a.tsv: A table with relevant information about the measures in the score.
  • harmonies/op01n01a.tsv: A list of the included harmony labels (including cadences and phrases) with their positions in the score.

Opening Scores

After navigating to your local copy, you can open the scores in the folder MS3 with the free and open source score editor MuseScore. Please note that the scores have been edited, annotated and tested with MuseScore 3.6.2. MuseScore 4 has since been released and preliminary tests suggest that it renders them correctly.

Opening TSV files in a spreadsheet

Tab-separated value (TSV) files are like Comma-separated value (CSV) files and can be opened with most modern text editors. However, for correctly displaying the columns, you might want to use a spreadsheet or an addon for your favourite text editor. When you use a spreadsheet such as Excel, it might annoy you by interpreting fractions as dates. This can be circumvented by using Data --> From Text/CSV or the free alternative LibreOffice Calc. Other than that, TSV data can be loaded with every modern programming language.

Loading TSV files in Python

Since the TSV files contain null values, lists, fractions, and numbers that are to be treated as strings, you may want to use this code to load any TSV files related to this repository (provided you're doing it in Python). After a quick pip install -U ms3 (requires Python 3.10) you'll be able to load any TSV like this:

import ms3

labels = ms3.load_tsv('harmonies/op01n01a.tsv')
notes = ms3.load_tsv('notes/op01n01a.tsv')

Column names

You can look up meaning and data type of the columns of all TSV files including metadata.tsv in ms3's documentation (simply search through the page).

Generating all TSV files from the scores

When you have made changes to the scores and want to update the TSV files accordingly, you can use the following command (provided you have pip-installed ms3):

ms3 extract -M -N -X -D # for measures, notes, expanded annotations, and metadata

If, in addition, you want to generate the reviewed scores with out-of-label notes colored in red, you can do

ms3 review -M -N -X -D # for extracting measures, notes, expanded annotations, and metadata

By adding the flag -c to the review command, it will additionally compare the (potentially modified) annotations in the score with the ones currently present in the harmonies TSV files and reflect the comparison in the reviewed scores.

Score origin

To create the dataset we downloaded the musicXML conversion available on Craig Sapp's KernScores (thanks to the engraver(s) who first encoded the scores in **kern format), converted them to MuseScore, and had them corrected and completed by the transcription service This involved adding thorough bass figures throughout and engraving a few missing movements from scratch. The commission was performed based on the Pepusch prints available on the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) which are included in the folder pdf:

Opus File IMSLP
1 Corelli op. 1 12 Triosonaten - Partitur.pdf
3 Corelli op. 3 12 Triosonaten - Partitur.pdf
4 Corelli op. 4 12 Triosonaten - Partitur.pdf

(The scan of op. 3 is missing page 46, corresponding to op03n12a)

Whenever pitches, bass figures or their placement were obviously wrong they have been corrected based on the Rome princeps editions.


Wrong positions

Two files have different time signatures in the upper and lower staff pairs which leads to wrong positions:

  • op03n10d has 12/8 vs. 2/2
  • op04n06g has 12/8 vs. 4/4

Since the parser deals only with one time signature per measure, and since positions are computed additively, the positions are currently incorrect for

  • all events in these two pieces which
  • occur in staff 3 or 4
  • after beat 1.

As a remedy, staves 1 and 2 could be re-written in simple meters (2/2 or 4/4) sporting triplets. For now, users could multiply mc_onset values for staves 3 and 4 by 1.5 as a remedy. The quarterbeats would then need to be re-computed by adding the stretched onset values to the MC's quarterbeat.

.warnings files

As long as such files exist in the reviewed folder, the ms3 review command has detected

  • incongruent phrase beginnings { and endings }, and/or
  • harmony labels where over 60 % of the note heads in the segment are out-of-label, and/or
  • other warnings related to parsing the scores or annotations.

Pull requests addressing any of these warnings would be highly appreciated.


The information on the four parts in the MuseScore files has not been curated. That concerns the staff names, brackets, behaviour of barlines, and instruments. If someone could send us a good configuration that looks and sounds decent, we would be glad to automatically apply it to the entire dataset.


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Naming convention

For example, all files starting with op03n02 are movements of Sonata number 2 from opus 3. The sequence of movements is indicated by appended letters op03n02a, op03n02b, etc.

Questions, Suggestions, Corrections, Bug Reports

For questions, remarks etc., please create an issue and feel free to fork and submit pull requests.


file_name measures labels standard annotators reviewers
op01n01a 14 64 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) HB, JH
op01n01b 38 141 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann , Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) HB, JH
op01n01c 37 97 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann and Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n01d 98 147 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) HB, AN, JH
op01n02a 19 76 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n02b 36 121 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n02c 29 67 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n02d 117 174 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n03a 17 66 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n03b 54 223 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n03c 35 71 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n03d 97 177 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n04a 19 52 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n04b 12 26 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n04c 28 117 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1) , Ya-Chuan Wu(2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN, HB
op01n04d 39 115 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n05a 42 90 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n05b 39 149 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n05c 30 59 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n05d 59 117 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann (2.1.1), Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Hanné Becker (2.3.0) AN
op01n06a 11 44 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, JH
op01n06b 40 190 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu, Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, JH
op01n06c 38 89 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu, Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, JH
op01n06d 69 131 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu, Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, JH
op01n07a 40 161 2.3.0 Kristine Kier Jørgensen (2.1.1), Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, JH
op01n07b 14 57 2.3.0 Cristiana Palandri (2.1.1), Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, AN, JH
op01n07c 51 174 2.3.0 Cristiana Palandri (2.1.1), Victor Zheng (2.3.0) VZ, AB
op01n08a 16 56 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n08b 20 76 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n08c 27 119 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n08d 39 71 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n09a 39 45 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n09b 37 153 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, VZ
op01n09c 36 74 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n09d 54 56 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard (2.3.0) EMF, DK
op01n10a 12 45 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, AN
op01n10b 17 70 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, AN
op01n10c 29 107 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, AN
op01n10d 24 56 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, AN
op01n10e 84 139 2.3.0 Lars Opfermann, Ya-Chuan Wu (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, AN
op01n11a 18 60 2.3.0 Hanné Becker JH
op01n11b 34 123 2.3.0 Hanné Becker JH
op01n11c 33 79 2.3.0 Hanné Becker AN
op01n11d 18 81 2.3.0 Hanné Becker AN
op01n12a 19 64 2.3.0 Ehsan mohagheghi Fard AN
op01n12b 36 101 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard AN
op01n12c 13 42 2.3.0 Tomoko Ono JH
op01n12d 62 225 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard AN
op03n01a 19 78 2.3.0 Gabriela Ortiz Würth (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN (2.1.0), AW (2.3.0)
op03n01b 37 149 2.3.0 Gabriela Ortiz Würth (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, AW
op03n01c 61 117 2.3.0 Gabriela Ortiz Würth (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN (2.1.1), AW (2.3.0)
op03n01d 40 158 2.3.0 Gabriela Ortiz Würth (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN (2.1.1), AW (2.3.0)
op03n02a 19 68 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n02b 31 118 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n02c 40 91 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n02d 43 121 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n03a 16 59 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB
op03n03b 32 62 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n03c 23 137 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n03d 60 240 2.3.0 Moritz Heffter (2.1.1), Amelia Brey (2.3.0) AB, ST
op03n04a 23 137 2.3.0 Kelsey Lussier JH
op03n04b 39 138 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard DK
op03n04c 55 114 2.3.0 Yannis Rammos JH
op03n04d 50 171 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard AB
op03n05a 21 89 2.3.0 Mastaneh Nazarian (2.1.1), John Heilig (2.3.0) JH
op03n05b 49 175 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n05c 36 80 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n05d 33 125 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n06a 33 119 2.3.0 Kyle Quarles AN
op03n06b 14 54 2.3.0 Kyle Quarles JH
op03n06c 38 150 2.3.0 Kyle Quarles AN
op03n06d 41 179 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard DK
op03n07a 20 76 2.3.0 Hanné Becker JH
op03n07b 35 131 2.3.0 Hanné Becker AN
op03n07c 38 92 2.3.0 Hanné Becker AN
op03n07d 28 84 2.3.0 Hanné Becker AN
op03n08a 20 90 2.3.0 Matthew Chiu JH
op03n08b 39 153 2.3.0 Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard DK
op03n08c 31 74 2.3.0 Matthew Chiu AN
op03n08d 40 135 2.3.0 Matthew Chiu AN
op03n09a 30 69 2.3.0 John Heilig JH
op03n09b 28 103 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n09c 38 85 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n09d 28 121 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n10a 14 49 2.3.0 Tal Soker JH
op03n10b 38 154 2.3.0 Tal Soker JH
op03n10c 11 25 2.3.0 Tal Soker JH
op03n10d 31 114 2.3.0 Tal Soker JH
op03n11a 17 68 2.3.0 John Heilig JH
op03n11b 39 164 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n11c 29 63 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n11d 45 97 2.3.0 John Heilig JH
op03n12a 19 17 2.3.0 John Heilig JH
op03n12b 41 8 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n12c 9 39 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n12d 29 97 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n12e 25 76 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n12f 37 192 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op03n12g 46 205 2.3.0 John Heilig AN
op04n01a 17 74 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n01b 47 75 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n01c 13 47 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n01d 34 136 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n02a 20 87 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n02b 22 111 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n02c 5 9 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n02d 57 125 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, JH
op04n03a 18 90 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n03b 48 87 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n03c 16 37 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n03d 41 136 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n04a 20 68 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n04b 41 80 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n04c 17 102 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, DK
op04n04d 31 107 2.3.0 Lydia Carlisi (2.1.1), Adrian Nagel (2.3.0) AN, AB
op04n05a 20 101 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson JH
op04n05b 28 105 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson JH
op04n05c 39 78 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson JH
op04n05d 12 38 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson AN
op04n06a 6 22 2.3.0 Adrian Nagel Victor Zheng
op04n06b 23 41 2.3.0 Adrian Nagel Victor Zheng
op04n06c 7 19 2.3.0 Adrian Nagel Victor Zheng
op04n06d 28 57 2.3.0 Adrian Nagel Victor Zheng
op04n06e 10 22 2.3.0 Adrian Nagel Victor Zheng
op04n06f 25 76 2.3.0 Tim Girard AN
op04n06g 30 94 2.3.0 Justin Franklin JH
op04n07a 15 86 2.3.0 Justin Franklin JH
op04n07b 46 104 2.3.0 Justin Franklin AN
op04n07c 6 12 2.3.0 Justin Franklin JH
op04n07d 32 47 2.3.0 Justin Franklin JH
op04n07e 27 92 2.3.0 Justin Franklin AN
op04n08a 38 94 2.3.0 Kevin Davis AN, JH
op04n08b 23 88 2.3.0 Kevin Davis JH
op04n08c 16 41 2.3.0 Kevin Davis AN, JH
op04n09a 13 77 2.3.0 Victor Zheng AN
op04n09b 44 103 2.3.0 Victor Zheng AN
op04n09c 12 49 2.3.0 Victor Zheng JH
op04n09d 56 167 2.3.0 Victor Zheng JH
op04n10a 2 4 2.3.0 Kevin Davis JH
op04n10b 33 104 2.3.0 Kevin Davis JH
op04n10c 4 8 2.3.0 Kevin Davis AN, JH
op04n10d 14 51 2.3.0 Kevin Davis AN, JH
op04n10e 48 152 2.3.0 Kevin Davis AN JH
op04n11a 24 156 2.3.0 Amelia Brey AN
op04n11b 73 116 2.3.0 Amelia Brey AN
op04n11c 36 142 2.3.0 Amelia Brey AN
op04n12a 35 77 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson AN
op04n12b 39 111 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson AN
op04n12c 19 62 2.3.0 Andrew Wilson AN

Overview table automatically updated using ms3.