This repository contains the materials for the CDCS introductory workshop on version control. Git is a distributed version control system that keeps track of changes to your project files, which is useful for software code, particularly when collaborating with others. GitHub (the website you are viewing this on) is an online platform to manage and sync git repositories. This workshop uses GitHub Desktop, an app that simplifies working with git and GitHub on your computer.
Before the course, please do the following:
- Go to the GitHub website and sign up for an account.
- Download and install GitHub Desktop on your computer.
- What is version control?
- What is the difference between git, GitHub, and GitHub Desktop?
- Live Demos: How to create a repo, make commits, fork a repo, make a pull request, and review a pull request.
- This workshop uses the GitHub website and the GitHub Desktop app to work with git. We will not be using git on the command line, but some resources to learn this are linked below.
GitHub Skills courses
GitHub student pack (free GitHub Pro upgrade and other free software)
LinkedIn Learning courses (can be accessed for free with a University of Edinburgh email)
- Git Essential Training: An intro to Git that uses the command line.
- Learning GitHub