Ruby client for the Get into Teaching API.
gem "get_into_teaching_api_client_faraday", "3.5.0", git: "[email protected]:DFE-Digital/get-into-teaching-api-ruby-client.git", require: "api/client"
GetIntoTeachingApiClient.configure do |config|
config.server_index = nil
config.scheme = "https" = host
config.base_path = "base_path"
config.api_key_prefix["apiKey"] = "Bearer"
config.api_key["apiKey"] = token
config.cache_store = Rails.cache
config.circuit_breaker = {
enabled: true,
threshold: 5,
timeout: 5.minutes,
You can update the Ruby client by regenerating it from the Get into Teaching API swagger documentation.
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
openapi-generator-cli version-manager set 5.3.0
rm -rf ./auto-generated-gem
openapi-generator-cli generate -i <swagger_docs_url> -g ruby -o ./auto-generated-gem -c config.yaml
You should then also run the test suite:
cd auto-generated-gem; bundle && rspec
Finally, bump the version of the get_into_teaching_api_client_faraday
If regenerating the API using a locally-hosted Swagger instance with a self-signed certificate, you may run into a certificate error:
npm x -c 'openapi-generator-cli generate -i https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json -g ruby -o ./auto-generated-gem -c config.yaml'
[main] ERROR io.swagger.v3.parser.util.RemoteUrl - unable to read PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at java.base/
This can be resolved by temporarily disabling certificate checking:
export JAVA_OPTS="-Dio.swagger.parser.util.RemoteUrl.trustAll=true -Dio.swagger.v3.parser.util.RemoteUrl.trustAll=true"
npm x -c 'openapi-generator-cli generate -i https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json -g ruby -o ./auto-generated-gem -c config.yaml'
Circuit breaker middleware is included to protect from API failures. After a threshold number of failed requests, the circuit breaker will trip. Any further calls will raise a GetIntoTeachingApiClient::CircuitBrokenError
before another request can be made. The circuit breaker will attempt self-reset after a period of time.
To configure the circuit breaker:
GetIntoTeachingApiClient.configure do |config|
config.circuit_breaker = {
enabled: true, # Enables the circuit breaker middleware
threshold: 3, # Number of failures that will cause the circuit breaker to trip
timeout: 5.minutes # Amount of time until the circuit breaker will attempt to recover