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DfsUtil first version

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@JesperGr JesperGr released this 10 Jul 11:19
· 85 commits to master since this release

This is the first GitHub release of the DfsUtil.

The DfsUtil contains a number of small tools for working with .dfs files. Currently it can>

  • Interpolate one 2D dfsu file to another mesh.
  • Create a difference between two 2D dfsu files that does not have the same mesh.
  • Create a difference between any dfs file having the same structure.

Works with MIKE Release 2019, so you need to install MIKE Zero, MIKE URBAN or MIKE SDK for this to work.

    DHI.DfsUtil -[tool] [arguments]


    -dfsuinterp: Interpolate dfsu file to another mesh:

        DHI.DfsUtil -dfsuinterp [sourceFilename] [targetMeshFilename] [targetFilename]

        Interpolate values from 'sourceFilename' to mesh defined by
        'targetMeshFilename', and store it in 'targetFilename'.
        The 'targetMeshFilename' can be a mesh or dfsu file.

    -dfsudiff: Create difference file between two dfsu files:

        DHI.DfsUtil -dfsudiff [referenceFilename] [compareFilename] [diffFilename]

        Compares the compare-file to the reference-file and writes differences
        to the diff-file. In case the compare-file and reference-file is not
        identical, the compare-data is interpolated to the reference-file mesh
        and then compared.

    -diff: Find the difference between two, in structure, identical files,
        and create new file with difference values.

        DHI.DfsUtil -diff [file1] [file2]
        DHI.DfsUtil -diff [file1] [file2] [diffFile]

        The two input files must be equal in structure, e.g. coming
        from the same simulation but giving different results.
        Header and static data must be identical, only difference
        must be in values of the dynamic data.

        If not providing a diffFile, the file is not created, but
        difference statistics is written to console.

        In case of one file having delete value, and the other not
        having delete value, the difference may turn out big, even
        if in reality the results differ only little, i.e. for
        water level results from a flooding simulation.