DfsUtil 2.0.0
The DfsUtil contains a number of small tools for working with .dfsu files. Currently it can:
- Interpolate one 2D dfsu file to another mesh.
- Create a difference between two 2D dfsu files that does not have the same mesh.
This version can run without any MIKE Zero installation, though you may need to install the Visual C++ redistributable (https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads)
DHI.Mesh.DfsUtil -[tool] [arguments]
-dfsuinterp: Interpolate dfsu file to another mesh:
DHI.Mesh.DfsUtil -dfsuinterp [sourceFilename] [targetMeshFilename] [targetFilename]
Interpolate values from 'sourceFilename' to mesh defined by
'targetMeshFilename', and store it in 'targetFilename'.
The 'targetMeshFilename' can be a mesh or dfsu file.
-dfsudiff: Create difference file between two dfsu files:
DHI.Mesh.DfsUtil -dfsudiff [referenceFilename] [compareFilename] [diffFilename]
Compares the compare-file to the reference-file and writes differences
to the diff-file. In case the compare-file and reference-file is not
identical, the compare-data is interpolated to the reference-file mesh
and then compared.