A collection of functions that can be used to interact with datastores on the Chia blockchain.
This library offers the following functions:
- wallet:
- drivers:
- utils:
The Peer
class also exposes the following methods: getAllUnspentCoins
, syncStore
, syncStoreFromLauncherId
, broadcastSpend
, isCoinSpent
Note that all functions come with detailed JSDoc comments.
This example will assume that you want to use a server-side wallet to mint & update the store. You can also send unsigned coin spends to the client and ask them to sign via a wallet such as Goby, but this scenario will not be covered here.
First, you'll need to generate new keys for the server wallet. You can do that by running chia keys generate
, followed by chia keys show --show-mnemonic-seed -f [FINGERPRINT]
(fingerprint is present in the output of the first command). The server signing transactions will need the Master private key (m)
printed by the second command. The server wallet will be single-address, meaning that you can only send XCH to First wallet address
to fund it (i.e., don't use get_address
to obtain the wallet address!).
The synthetic public and private keys corresponding to the first address can simply be obtain as follows:
export const getPublicSyntheticKey = (): Buffer => {
const master_sk = Buffer.from(process.env.SERVER_SK as string, 'hex');
const master_pk = secretKeyToPublicKey(master_sk);
return masterPublicKeyToWalletSyntheticKey(master_pk);
export const getPrivateSyntheticKey = (): Buffer => {
const master_sk = Buffer.from(process.env.SERVER_SK as string, 'hex');
return masterSecretKeyToWalletSyntheticSecretKey(master_sk);
To get the wallet's address, you can simply do:
export const getServerPuzzleHash = (): Buffer => {
const master_sk = Buffer.from(process.env.SERVER_SK as string, 'hex');
const master_pk = secretKeyToPublicKey(master_sk);
return masterPublicKeyToFirstPuzzleHash(master_pk);
// other part of the code
const ph = getServerPuzzleHash();
const address = puzzleHashToAddress(ph, NETWORK_PREFIX);
is xch
for mainnet and txch
for testnet.
To 'talk' with the wallet, you will need to initialize a Peer
object like in the example below:
const peer = await Peer.new('', 'testnet11', CHIA_CRT, CHIA_KEY)
The example above connects to a tesntet11
full node. Note that CHIA_CRT
is usually ~/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/wallet/wallet_node.crt
is usually ~/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/wallet/wallet_node.key
. For mainnet, the port is usually 8444
, and the network id is mainnet
Making any transaction will require finding available (unspent) coins in the server wallet and selecting them before calling any drivers:
const ph = getServerPuzzleHash();
const coinsResp = await peer.getAllUnspentCoins(ph, MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT_HEADER_HASH);
const coins = selectCoins(coinsResp.coins, feeBigInt + BigInt(1));
You can speed up coin lookup by setting MIN_HEIGHT
to point to a block just before wallet creation (or before the first fund tx was confirmed). Alternatively, you can set them to null
and the network's genesis challenge. When selecting coins, make sure to include the fee in the total amount.
The next step is to generate coin spends using drivers:
const successResponse = await mintStore(
oracleDelegatedPuzzle(ownerPuzzleHash, oracleFeeBigInt)
The code above is used to mint stores. Note that a success response not only contains unsigned coin spends, but also returns a new DataStoreInfo
object that can be used to sync or spend the store in the future. Note that some drivers will not require coins, only the information of the store being spent:
const resp = meltStore(
In that case, the 'basic' transaction only spends the store - to add fees, you'll need to call addFee
and make sure to include the returned coin spends in the final bundle:
const resp = await addFee(getPublicSyntheticKey(), selectedCoins, coin_ids, BigInt(fee));
Before broadcasting transactions, you'll usually need to sign the coin spends. The signCoinSpends
function was created for that purpose:
const sig = signCoinSpends(coinSpends, [getPrivateSyntheticKey()], NETWORK_AGG_SIG_DATA);
Broadcasting a bundle is as easy as:
const err = await peer.broadcastSpend(
To confirm the transaction, you can just confirm that the datastore coin was spent on-chain:
const confirmed = await peer.isCoinSpent(getCoinId(info.coin), MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT_HEADER_HASH);
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.