every function now works with /...
This part is created thanks to the ImgFlip API. It has 2 functions:
- !list_memes "x" - gives a list of x meme templates, where x is max 50
- !make_meme "template id" "top text" "bottom text" - makes a meme from a template
This part is created thanks to the PRAW. It is divided into two parts:
For users:
- !meme "subreddit" ["n"] - sends n uplouds from a subreddit
For channels: In this part bot will send a meme from subcribed subreddits once in a while
- !subs - sends your subscriptions for this channel
- !sub "subreddit" ["channel"] - adds a choosen subreddit
- !unsub "subreddit" ["channel"] - removes a choosen subreddit
- !p[lay] "yt_link" - adds a song to the queue
- !q[ueue] - sends a queue of songs
- !s[kip] - skips a song
- !l[eave] - leaves voice chat
- !stop - stops the music
- !resume - starts the music
I created this functions especially for my personal use.
- !dt - creates a new thread with current date
- some games - quiz, hangman, ...
- (behave similar in DMs)
- discord.py
- dotenv
- praw
- pytube
- ffmpeg
- Discord
- imgflip
create account on Discord, Reddit and imgflip. Create bot on https://discord.com/developers. Download the libraries. Clone this project. Create file in it named a.env and fill it with this:
DISCORD_TOKEN=token for your bot
MCLIENT_ID=reddit api id
MCLIENT_SECRET=reddit api secret code
MUSERNAME=username for reddit
MPASSWORD=password for reddit
CRON_ID=second bot id